Manchester to Blackpool

jibi Posts: 857
edited July 2007 in Road beginners
I can't find the "old" post

Just to say good luck
I am hoping to get to the start for 7 30
See you all there
If you are doing M2B and see and old bearded guy on a brown Bill Nickson bike say hello.

Good Luck
Tailwinds and sunshine :D


  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    old post seems to have gone!

    yes - good luck to all - I'll be there late around 9 - 9:15 for the start - in a group of people in Cycle Blackpool / blackpool council team gear

    see you at the finish!
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Good luck!!
    I just had my final session with the osteopath and my back feels great - not even a twinge. I'm 99% positive that I'll be there. I'm also hoping to start around 7.30 - I'm cycling to the start from Altrincham (about 10 miles) as a bit of a warm up. I'll be the "clone" in the giro italia top. (hey, it's pink and it fits someone who's 6 ft tall unlike most other ladies cycling gear).
    I'm hoping to have a test run on the bike tomorrow and then just getting ready for Sunday. Big pasta planned for saturday night.
    Have fun
    I've no idea whether this reply will be in the right place. The subject line is completely blank.
  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857
    According to the forecast it looks like it could be sunny

    with the wind in the right direction too.

    Or have I spoke too soon?

  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Yeh, it looks ok doesn't it?
    Fingers crossed that's what we actually get on the day.
  • mrchrispy
    mrchrispy Posts: 310
    ah jibi why did you have to say that :)
    its surly going to spank down now with a 30mph wind in the wrong direction :cry:

    look out for me wearing a little too much specialized gear (all red) on a Focus Cayo :roll:
  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857
    In a Focus?? :?

    I know I am tempting the ra*n and wi*d faeries.
    But it was from the BBC , they know, don't they????

    If it's true I'll be cycling down from Preston in a headwind, from 5 am. If you see me on the A6 I am not too proud to accept a lift :D

    see you all there.

    Tailwinds ( to Blackpool at least)

  • IDB
    IDB Posts: 2
    Hi everyone

    I was shocked whe I went onto cycling plus and everything was "locked", anyway here now!!!

    I am doing the Manchester - Blackpool on Sunday and would just like to say good luck to everyone. I am driving over in the morning and staying over night. I am having a sleep in, as I am a late starter (9.15)!!!!!

    Anyway, it's my first ride of this type, do around 100 miles per week but mainly broken down into 2x 40 and a 20 etc.

    I hate hills but the weather looks ok, oh and by the way I hate head wind!!!!!

    By the way how many are normally there?

    Good luck

  • mrchrispy
    mrchrispy Posts: 310
    not the Ian Brown??? :)

    If you do 100 miles a week you'll cain this, with so many people its a total hoot!
  • Jonathan Mcp
    Jonathan Mcp Posts: 2,472
    jibi wrote:
    According to the forecast it looks like it could be sunny

    with the wind in the right direction too.

    Or have I spoke too soon?


    Quite a distinct westerley wind today, so for the direction the M2B takes I would have thought it would be a cross wind for the stretch to Preston, then a headwind into Blackpool.
  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857
    we had a headwind from Preston to Balckpool
    and 5 mins of torrential rain in Leyland.

    But mostly sunny .

    115 miles since 5 am, back for the finish of the TDF.

  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    aye - I got thr torrential part in eccleston - unbelievable rain - soaked in seconds - people were stopping to put waterproofs on but it looked a waste of time by then - I just got wet!

    I was fairly pleased with myself today - it's the most I've done in one go and I only stopped in preston for a wee and to send a text message - managed 3hrs 40mins!!

    there were LOADS of bikes!! - not seen so many bikes on the road - ever - over 5000 apparently! - superb day!!
  • bianco
    bianco Posts: 78
    Yeah, loads and loads of cycles, the rain I thought was refreshing, lasted at least half an hour but that morissons was dry as a bone only 10 minutes down road??

    3h 40 min as well so well chuffed.
  • Akuma
    Akuma Posts: 22
    My frist 60mile ride, great fun!

    i quite enjoyed the rain, just not the spray :D

    I was pretty tired on the last 10-15miles, so seeing the tower as we approached was
    a great moral booster :)

    About 5 hours for me.

    Looking forward to Manchester 100 now.
  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857
    I took my camera and was so busy cycling I didn't take many photos
    So here are 4 really boring pics that were taken early so there are not many people on it.

    anyone else got any?

    As I cycled back home, every inch of the way to Preston there were riders still on the way to Blackpool.

    A good day. And a free Tour of Britain hat, whoopee

  • Small Fish
    Small Fish Posts: 84
    Did it with a friend and loved every minute... (well except the last 7 miles were pretty tough, from that junction where we had to do a quick right then left over a very busy main road) Was a great feeling to be sailing along with so many others ranging from rusty MTB's to serious carbon fibre jobbies - even passed a few of the latter which was nice!

    Had a sharp shower just before Haigh Hall, then a puncture and that mega-rain shortly after. Avoiding facefuls of spray was new skill to try and acquire! I think rain helped us keep a decent speed though because we needed to keep warm!

    We did it in just under 5 hours which included two and a half rests and one puncture so feeling pretty pleased with myself as I'd never cycled more than 20 miles before yesterday.
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    well done everyone. I finished in about 3hrs 55 but didn't enjoy it at all. I was in pain pretty much the whole way around - behind my left knee/back/bum. I've been tinkering around with my saddle position and I've still not got it right. I'm going to get a fitting at Paul Hewitt cycles to try to fix it.

    At the end, I curled up into a quivering ball until the kind st johns ambulance people got me a silver blanket.

    It was a great route and I will definitely do it again. I'm also planning to do the manchester 100 so will see you there for that one.

    I was really impressed by the guys who were cycling home as approached the finish line. They were flying along.
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    oh and even worse, my husband beat me! :roll:
  • pabloweaver
    pabloweaver Posts: 444
    i have just posted a moan moan moan :D about something relating to manchester to Blackpool .... in the cake shop , would it be bad form to cut and past it into here as well ?

    well done folks with the ride , did it in 3 .40 .... which considering the volume of
    " traffic" i was well happy with .

    Great club in and around the Warrington area.
  • IDB
    IDB Posts: 2
    This was my first charity ride and it was great>

    Any idea how amy bikes? When I got to Blackpool (abou 1.30pm) they said there was still around 2500 still to come in!

    Anybody measure the distance, my Polar must have gone said 35.7 miles. I think it was more like 58?

    well done to everyone

  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857
    They said there was about 4000 "bikes", I use the term lightly cos I saw a few that i wouldn't call bikes. some people seemed to be on their kid's bike, knobbly tyres not blown up correctly etc etc . Must have been very hard work.

    I had it at just over 60 miles, and the commentator in Blackpool kept saying 61 miles so it looks like your comp was frazzled, must have been all the rain :D

  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    My computer made it almost 60 - 59.95 to be exact.

    I heard there were nearly 5000 riders (give or take 20 was how it was described..) not sure - although if it is anything to go by, I was entrant No. 4721
  • pabloweaver
    pabloweaver Posts: 444
    now i have posted this in the cake stop section as well but i thought id duplicate it here ( if thats ok with the mods ) as i realise that not everybody looks into each forum .... and its my afore mentioned rant re M2B ...( hey get me with next years advertising spin ! )

    hope nobody minds the re -post :

    did the ride yesterday and i would like to put the following moan if i may ....

    this ride gets more and more dangerous each year!

    i was unluck enough to puncture coming through Haigh Hall ( i know this place well as i work in wigan ) and i was suitably placed to see the effects of not slowing people down enough before that final sweeping bend ( you ALL know the one ) i Strongly suggested to the marshall that he bring the " chicanes" closer to the bend ( though obviously not on it ) to reduce speed before people hit it . in a ten minute spell,5 people hit the ground hard and numerous more were on the edge of following . This section is too fast , to slippy and the bend too tight for most cyclists . The marshall did as good a job as he could ( no problems at all with the marshalls , great helps all day ) but the fact he was left without radio or phone in an area that each year witnessess the same problem was not helpful in the event of a major injury ( and by the spills i saw only good luck prevent one ) . This whole section needs to be revised . it is possible to by pass the hall by the way .

    also....for those who have managed to get this far in the post .... 60 miles ...some tired and wobbly riders looking for the finish line and relief/ rest ...and the whole lot of 5000 cyclists has to fight its way through the tight lanes of parked cars , buses and road furniture for the last 1/2 mile . now im ok on a bike and the ride did not present any physical problems for me , but the last few rolling " hills" into b/pool really hurt some people...surely at the end of a ride like this, the entrants should be able to access the park without dodging , weaving and stressing themselves as well as motorists . .. in short a closed road or limited access road entrance. not just the last 100 yards .

    i think at this point i will leave the bit about cyclists behaviour as i dont have time and dont want to get lynched !!

    Well done to all for taking part , great to see so many people out on bikes ( though i did tbh question the sanity of one or two participants !! ) great event ...but needs areas of review now that it is a long established event.

    phew ...sorry folks for the ramble !!

    Great club in and around the Warrington area.
  • 92jon
    92jon Posts: 76
    Great to find the thread - I started the original one.
    My first big group ride and I had a great time - it was a great event and a great day out.

    Myself and the group I rode with got interviewed in the Manchester Evening News - and we made tonights edition. Not the best pic of me - I look scared!!!

    I will post my blog on our site later and let you know. I will also try and scan the pic from the MEN.

    Great spirit during the day - some un-prepared riders and bikes. I am not a serious rider, but had prepped up - road tyres, serviced my bike, got some kit. I saw 2 lads on bmx`s - different!!!!

    Bike Rides Round the Greater Manchester Area:
  • 92jon
    92jon Posts: 76
    My ramblings about the day are here:

    Pics soon - I hope!

    Bike Rides Round the Greater Manchester Area:
  • NedKelly
    NedKelly Posts: 15
    My first ride past 40 miles and it went great.

    Hats off to those guys who did it on Unicycles, did anyone else see them?

    They had huge MTB like wheels that made them about 8ft tall !
  • Akuma
    Akuma Posts: 22
    NedKelly wrote:
    My first ride past 40 miles and it went great.

    Hats off to those guys who did it on Unicycles, did anyone else see them?

    They had huge MTB like wheels that made them about 8ft tall !

    Yep :)
  • bianco
    bianco Posts: 78
    This guy wearing a south park jersey came off and wrecked his carbon forks and wheels.

    He looked OK though, the drivers were just so close they gave no room to menouver.