
weyayeman Posts: 1,141
edited July 2007 in Pro race
So if Petacchi is banned for a year does he have to pay a years salary for doping as he signed the document.
Appologies if this has been covered but couldn't find a thread on it.
How son yee divent need gaan doon the Pit,coz thas plenty coal in the coal hoose


  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    "The Pledge" states that the years salary applies to those who are subject to the "standard sanction of a 2 year suspension or more", so apparently not as he has only been suspended for a year. Well, that's my understanding of it.
  • Keith Oates
    Keith Oates Posts: 22,036
    I dont think the years salary should apply to him as this happened before that signing was carried out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ride Daily, Keep Healthy
  • guv001
    guv001 Posts: 688
    Why only a year? Surely you're either guilty or not and if so you get a minimum 2 year ban. Are they implying that he is/not guilty and that he definately maybe did something wrong..
  • BigSpecs
    BigSpecs Posts: 309
    Looks like he is done for the Tour - good. Also for a year - good. Why not two? don't know. I think the only way to go is to ban the excemption certificates. The notion that an asthma sufferer would choose a career in the hardest endurance sport in the world is a dumb one (and I am not belittleing asthma sufferers, just saying that there career choices may not include top level cycling)
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  • squired
    squired Posts: 1,153
    I've been assuming the reason that 1 year has been recommended is because he exceeded the dosage for a drug that he was permitted to use, which is clearly very different from using a drug that you are not permitted to use. Having said that, I believe 1 year is the recommended ban, so he could yet get the full 2 years.

    It would be interesting to know the levels of the drug in his system and what level of useage would be required to achieve them. Otherwise it is hard to judge one way or the other.
  • campagchris
    campagchris Posts: 773
    If your found positive for any drug it should be the same ban surely,after all its cheating,CHEATING doesn.t matter if its in caps or not it spells the same in my book.
  • Moose11
    Moose11 Posts: 235
    Is'nt this something to do with Astma or something though? Could it be that he took to much by some kind of mistake? Aparantly he was just over the allowed threshold, would whats in it really improve your performance that much?
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    It can be used to mask other drugs.