What would be your last words

Got-to-get-fit Posts: 106
edited July 2007 in Road beginners
.........to your bike, if they made cycling illegal tommorrow :?: :?: :?: :!: :!: ?
my evil toad army will rule the world


  • longers75
    longers75 Posts: 214
    Not last words but first words - Let's go break the law!

    btw I found your toad army last sunday (about 12,000 toadlets by my reckoning - approx 12 per metre along 1km of Arnfiield Resevoir wall). They didn't look too evil - Does this come with training?

    I'm just going outside . . . I may be some time.
  • Arnfield reservoir wall you say.....? They are lost then. I told them to begin by taking over the small hamlets, strike at the beauty spots and heartlands work your way inwards and as we get stronger take over the cities and strike at the very backbone of the empire.

    Im afraid all is lost. We must now content ourselves with a small toad gathering once a year to mourn our failure and plan our acceptance back into popular society.
    my evil toad army will rule the world
  • jay_clock
    jay_clock Posts: 2,708
  • overmars
    overmars Posts: 430
    Well... it was fun!
  • wastelander
    wastelander Posts: 557
    I'd be forced to break the law and indulge in illegal night time road/MTB activities!
  • vernonlevy
    vernonlevy Posts: 969
    I'd be forced to break the law and indulge in illegal night time road/MTB activities!
  • TomB1960
    TomB1960 Posts: 19
    my last words will be,

    "The life insurance policies are in the..................'