French Letter

Zygite Posts: 142
edited June 2007 in Road beginners
Down to Dover with a pal on Thursday, having booked as two foot passengers with bike - my Ribble, his Pinarello (P and O, 8 pounds each regardless of kudos). Out of Calais, through Guines and up a cheeky hill or two. A quick detour to the Colonne de la Grande Armee just outside Boulogne, a fine lunch at the seaside and then back to Calais via the coast.[8D]

Was it good? Abso flippin lutely! Sunny, courteous motorists, fine hills, loads of other cyclists on the road and scenery to die for!

115km in 4hrs 50mins. Sunburned and happy as a snail in garlic.

Spirits not dampened by Frenchman in his sixties passing us as we slowed to look at a war memorial. Spent the next 6km trying to keep on his tail, then he looked round and decided his warm up was over. Last we saw of him was his snowy locks disappearing from sight over the next hill.

My third trip of over 100km and it keeps on getting better!

Cycle killer? Qu'est ce que c'est?
Cycle killer? Qu'est ce que c'est?


  • paul_bhoy
    paul_bhoy Posts: 70

    I remember being down in the Lot region, out on the bike pedalling away trying to look cool, couple of old boys waltzed by me if I was standing still, pulled up quite sharp pretending I was going to stop anyway at some Boulangerie. Bastards

    The beer always wins
    The beer always wins
  • Cathryn
    Cathryn Posts: 176
    Sounds fantastic. I'm off to France in two weekend's time, very excited about it. You've just made me more excited!!
  • peejay78
    peejay78 Posts: 3,378
    a day trip? what time did you leave and get back?

  • Zygite
    Zygite Posts: 142
    Went over on the 0820 (0720 was cancelled). Returned on the 1920.

    If you're interested parking at the port was 10 pound, but there are residential places 5 mins from the docks where we could have parked free for the day.

    Want to do another one before this one wears off....

    Cycle killer? Qu'est ce que c'est?
    Cycle killer? Qu'est ce que c'est?