What inspired you to start?



  • jay_clock
    jay_clock Posts: 2,708

    Had done a bit of cycling in my 20s (commtued 6 miles each way for about 5 years) then with kids it tailed off. Weight went up...usual story

    16 Feb 2004 I decided to go on a diet and do more exercise. Shifted it fast and kept it off. Cycle about 4000 miles a year, plus now into triathlons too. FAB!

    my trip round Corsica: http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/corsica
  • syncro
    syncro Posts: 120
    Yep, same here. used to do loads of mountain biking but as it tailed off my waist line grew[:I]. So recently decided to do something about it and bought a trek hybrid to commute on amongst other things. So far so good, feeling better already.[8D]
  • onehipwonder
    onehipwonder Posts: 129
    I had a hip replacement done 3 years ago (aged 39) and gave up smoking a month before operation. Bought a hybrid to start cycling to work to lose weight/get fit, I had always played sports until my condition worsened, so this was a low impact exercise that I could do.Really enjoyed it and have taken my cycling to another level as I joined a club last year, did my first century ride in May and am doing the London etape on Sunday. Now also own a Pinarello F4:13 and just recently picked up a Condor Fratello as my cycle to work scheme bike. Just thought that I am not getting any younger (in body anyway) so might as well treat myself to a couple of new bikes.[:D][:D]
  • phreak
    phreak Posts: 2,941
    Pantani riding up the Galibier in the 1998 Tour. I was never really into cycling that much before then but that was one of the most amazing sporting spectacles I've ever seen. I've been riding as much as possible ever since.
  • wolvesandy
    wolvesandy Posts: 63
    Hadnt rode a bike since i got a car 17 years ago then got banned from driving[:I] so had to take it up again, id forgotten how much fun it was so i sold my car and bought a road bike and now i think the ban was the best thing that couldve happened to me. [:)]
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    The thought of being able to ride for hours without my wife being sat next to me yakking [:D]

    Feel free to browse and donate:
    My winter and summer bike pics

  • mmcp
    mmcp Posts: 79
    Comeback? After becoming lardbucket after a few years off. Can't remember what sparked original passion in the 1970's. Odd snippets of TDf on World of Sport; my uncle's old "racer" gathering dust in grandmother's house; a grainy memory of Tom Simpson on the telly when I was about 5. All I know for certain is that i started riding big miles to school (16 miles a day, which seemed like a long way) at 14 and have loved the sport ever since (even during short periods not riding)
  • nolf
    nolf Posts: 1,287
    Used the bike to cycle into town, thought- Hmm that was fun.
    Started using my bike to do lot's of different journeys, to the shops etc.

    Bought a half decent bike (Dawes Galaxy) and used that a lot, started going on solo rides for fun.

    Set myself a target of cycling 100 miles in a day during the 2006 summer- did that

    Saw a video of Lance Armstrong and a group of lycra clad cyclists going fast and thought, that looks cool!

    Now 1 and a half years later i'm soon to enter my first race, have noticed my leg muscles are bigger (in fact some friends commented that they were huge! [:)]), my resting heart rate is down to 60bpm and i'm fitter than I have ever been.
    Never been good at sports (I was the geeky kid picked last) so I get a real thrill at being more sporty.

    Pride speaks, but Elephants listen...
    "I hold it true, what'er befall;
    I feel it, when I sorrow most;
    'Tis better to have loved and lost;
    Than never to have loved at all."

    Alfred Tennyson
  • nom de plum
    nom de plum Posts: 182
    great thread
    I have converted from running.
    I am a much more competent cyclist than marathoner
    In my late 30s I got sick of the continual injuries.
    cycling is...great fun and practically injury free

    some bikes and sheep and stuff:
    some bikes and sheep and stuff:
  • Johnsoncp
    Johnsoncp Posts: 1
    I've been lurking on this site for a number of months now and this is far and away the best thread I have read! Kudos to andy66 for motivating me enough to tap the keys.

    I got into biking around 6 years ago when one of my mates managed to convince me that it shouldn't take 40 minutes to travel the 4 or so miles from Fallowfield to the centre of Manchester on those god-forsaken buses. At the time another mate was selling a gorgeous orange Marin Nailtrail so I just went for it. Now...4 bikes (and plenty much money) down the line I can say that riding has had a huge impact on my life. So much so that if I go as long as a week without a decent length ride I can get pretty darn tetchy - I guess like some kind of addict.

    Sometimes the enthusiasm can drop and I end up going through the motions. However...it is when you get an injury, when you can't do it that you realise how much fun it actually is. For instance, the way you can use it to totally clear your mind...or just the stupid grin you get whilst pushing it a bit too much on a descent:)
  • mikeitup
    mikeitup Posts: 99
    Basically got into biking to get fit at 38. Being using it to get to work 2 miles away. I did used to walk it but it is alot quicker on the bike and I am really enjoying it.
    Mostly on canal towpaths at the mo but plan to use the road at some point once my confidence is back (I havn't ridden on a road since '92)