My brother - a tribute

Mike Townsend
Mike Townsend Posts: 27
edited June 2007 in Tour & expedition
My brother is taking advantage of a job sabbatical to ride Lands End to John O' Groats for charity. His preparation was less than ideal, partly due to difficulties arising from his mother-in-law's increasing ill health and final succumbing to cancer four weeks ago. He also had to get a new touring bike with just two weeks to go as he was forced to accept his LBS's advice that his trusty 20 year old tourer was not us to the task.

Despite this, he set off on 7th June and tonight will be in his own bed just north of Perth, before embarking on the last four stages.

I think his effort, while not unique, including picking his way via non 'A' roads where possible and adjusting to different accommodation each night, is incredible.

You can see more details at - well done, Rich, you're nearly there!
