Turbo trainer advice

edited December 1969 in Road beginners
Given that I'm new to this cycling thing I haven't exactly been enamoured by the recent torential rain, so on saturday I'd had enough and invested in a turbo trainer. Boy it feels like hard work, any training tips much apreciated. I did 40 mins and felt like I'd been out on the bike for over an hour. I may just be very very unfit, and I certainly don't mind the hard work, but it's be good to know how to make that work the most effective.


  • on2wheels
    on2wheels Posts: 102
    I don't like riding on a turbo trainer either, it sucks big time for me, I'm no racer or experienced rider, but when I do feel the need to go to the garage, I take my iPod, it helps a bit! If you have a TV handy maybe you could watch that to pass the time, it does help and also your getting some training in!!!
  • What you have to remember about a turbo trainer is its all effort. Not like on the road where you can free wheel or have a look around etc. Keep at it and in no time you'll be up to 1.5 hrs + at a time.

    "People setting the pace too fast on the front are abused to slow down. Riders that do not share the work are abused. Riders that need abuse get abused and the abuse is done in every language so they get the message"
  • JWSurrey
    JWSurrey Posts: 1,173
    My wife bought me a fab. Polar F11 heart rate monitor, which provides interval training - You can also make up your own heart rate targets to beat the boredom.

    If you have the radio on, beware going zombie only to discover you're doing a lower intensity than you wished for.

    I do fast/slow cadence hard/light pressure pieces.

    I actually find the radio a bit distracting, and stick to Radio 4 - but maybe that just goes with my sandals and beard!

    Beware cranking your back wheel down too hard - it'll shred your back tyre in no time!
  • from what I've read in various places, ride the turbo with a plan in mind. It helps to keep you focused.


    Rich (A commuter at last)

    The stupid deserve to suffer...
  • road-runner
    road-runner Posts: 8,630
    I found that turning the turbo's resistance down a notch and watching DVDs has helped with endurance fitness. If you have an HRM then it will help indicate whether it's hard work because you're working too hard; it is a very different feel to riding on tarmac, as others have described.
  • msb123
    msb123 Posts: 274
    If you have a portable tv/dvd player and don't mind that they are american then the spinervals dvds are good - i find it easier to stick to a workout dvd than try to work out times/effort as i go
  • Thanks for all the top hints. Boredom is certainly a major factor. Last night I even resorted to Eastenders, an indication of extreme boredom, maybe I should buy some Goldfish to keep me company! Now where's that ipod. . .
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    You're gonna have to train your mind as well as your body if you want to stay on the turbo for any length of time.
  • The ONLY way to focus AND get the most out of a turbo trainer is to do programmes.
    See http://www.mtb-marathon.co.uk/training/17.php

    A 30-40 minute work out will give you all the benefit you need.