Pro Tour Pundit : Tour de Suisse

edited December 1969 in Pro race
Last stage race before Le Tour.

Start List

Offical Site

Overall : Kloden
Prologue : Cancellera
Stage 1 : Freire
Stage 2 : Popovych
Stage 3 : Horner
Stage 4 : Bettini
Stage 5 : Gomez Marchante
Stage 6 : Schleck
Stage 7 : Betinni
Stage 8 : Cancellara


  • just a bump...

    Did you get planning permission for that sense of humour bypass?
  • And another bump. :)
  • Cheshire_Cat
    Cheshire_Cat Posts: 464

    Overall: Thomas Dekker

    Prologue: Chris Horner

  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,247
    Overall: Carlos Sastre

    Prologue: Leif Hoste
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Stephen Sorba
    Stephen Sorba Posts: 1,036
    Overall: Cunego
    Prologue: Voigt

    'e pur si muove
    'e pur si muove
  • weyayeman
    weyayeman Posts: 1,141
    Overall Vladimir Karpets
    stage 1 Michael Rogers(bet Ive got this wrong way around)

    by the way this is misleading as the official site say 9 stages and prologue is stage 1,
    (Ianf72 says 8 stages and prologue)

    Dolly Parton certainly has some big hits.
    How son yee divent need gaan doon the Pit,coz thas plenty coal in the coal hoose
  • yace
    yace Posts: 351
    Overall - Michael Rogers
    Stage 1(TT) - Stefan Schumacher
  • mangaman
    mangaman Posts: 704
    Overall: Vladimir Karpets
    Stage 1 (prologue or whatever it's called) Cancellara

    <font size="5"><b><font color="blue">|</font id="blue"><font color="red">|</font id="red"><font color="black">|</font id="black"><font color="yellow">|</font id="yellow"><font color="green">|</font id="green"></b></font id="size5">
  • OVERALL: Damiano Cunego
    St 1 Prologue: Fabian Cancellara
    St 2 Sun 17/6: Robbie McEwen
  • Overall: Janez Brajkovic
    Stage 1: Fabian Cancellara
  • Overall: Rogers

    Prologue/TT/whatever: Schumacher

    Did you get planning permission for that sense of humour bypass?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Overall: Vladimir Karpets
    Prologue: Stefan Schumacher
  • Greggyr
    Greggyr Posts: 1,075
    overall - Elmiger
    Prologue - Bruseghin
  • Overall: Angel Gomez Marchante
    Stage 1 (Prologue): Fabian Cancellara


    Edited to stupidly change my overall pick to AGM (for the third time this year).
  • ContrelaMontre
    ContrelaMontre Posts: 3,027
    I'm thinking Karpets and Kloden are good picks, but they've already given me two stage race wins this season so I'll pick someone completely different. And anyway I wouldn't want to copy all of those who have picked Karpets and apparently Noodley is choosing Klodi anyway so I'm sticking my neck on the line with...

    Overall: Frank Schleck
    Stage 1/TT/Prologue: Thomas Dekker

    Lets see if my 'special' bread and water will bring me a third stage race overall for the year!

    Herd of gnus?
    No! What's the news?

    <font size="1">Pink Bananarama!!
    ContrelaMontre 310
    Noodley 237</font id="size1">

    Rule No.10 // It never gets easier, you just go faster
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Overall : Kloden
    Stage 1 : Bruseghin
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    Overall: Kloden
    Stage 1: Cancellera
  • Joc
    Joc Posts: 132
    overall: cunego
    stage 1 TT: cancellara
  • overall - Cunego
    Stage 1 - Cancellera
  • ridgerider
    ridgerider Posts: 2,852
    Overall: Michael Rogers
    Stage 1: Michael Rogers

    Hopefully, T Mobile might actually be competitive in this race...

    <font size="1"><font color="blue">Half man</font id="blue">, <i><font color="green"> Half bike</font id="green"></i></font id="size1">
    Half man, Half bike
  • Overall: John Gadret
    Stage 1 TT: Cancellara
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    Overall : Gerdemann
    Prologue- cancellara

    <font size="1">"Hincapie's Disco pants are the best,
    They go from his arse to his chest,
    They're better than 'Sandro Ballans.
    Hincapie's Disco pants"</font id="size1">
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by GroupOfOne</i>

    <b>Overall: John Gadret</b>
    Stage 1 TT: Cancellara
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    I would quite like that [:)]
  • andrewgturnbull
    andrewgturnbull Posts: 3,861
    Hi folks.

    GC: Carlos Sastre
    Prologue: Fabian Cancellara

    A CSC fest to give them some good publicity for a change...

    Cheers, Andy
  • Mr Bumble
    Mr Bumble Posts: 572
    overall: Carlos Sastre
    Prologue: Cancellara
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Overall: Gomez Marchante
    St 1 Prologue: Karpets
  • Overall- Kloeden

    Prologue- Karpets

    ________Our behaviour is a function of our experience.
  • Keith Oates
    Keith Oates Posts: 22,036
    Overall - Kloeden

    Prologue - Cancellara

    Ride Daily, Keep Healthy

    Ride Daily, Keep Healthy
  • Gragi
    Gragi Posts: 448
    Overall : Thomas L”vkvist
    Prologue : Thomas L”vkvist
    Stage 1 : Freire
    Stage 2 : Schlek
    Stage 3 : Karpets
    Stage 4 : Janez Brajkovic
    Stage 5 : Gilberto Simoni
    Stage 6 : Kloeden
    Stage 7 : Roger Hammond(!)
    Stage 8 : Thomas L”vkvist
  • Overall: Karpets

    Stage 1 TT: Cancellara