Tow-bar mounted carriers: different sizes?

hopeful Posts: 76
edited June 2007 in Road beginners
I have a carrier that mounts onto the tow bar of the car. The thing is that any bike I try to put onto it seems too small to fit properly. I just can't get a decent fit and I end up attaching a bit that's probably too flimsy to be tied up. Result is that I'm driving along on a wing and a prayer, and hoping that nothing falls off.

Do carriers they come in different sizes? There was no mention of different sizes when I bought it, but maybe things have moved on since then.



  • fatfreddy
    fatfreddy Posts: 332
    you'll have to give a bit more info. What sort of carrier is it? Do the bikes hang from it or do they stand in some sort of wheel supports?

    If it is the latter, you can usually extend the wheels supports for different size bikes.

  • hopeful
    hopeful Posts: 76
    Thanks, fatfreddy and sorry for the technical inexplicitness! There's actually no maker's name or model on the carrier. It's just a collapsible thing that unfolds (has a pin in centre bit to stop it collapsing again), as two arms that stick out. When I see other people's bikes attached to such things, they seem to have the arms fitting out through the cross bar. I can get one arm under the bar, but it's very hit and miss trying to get the other arm to slot in anywhere. So I was thinking, if there was a carrier whose arms were closer together, they'd both slot in under the bar.

    I think I'm starting to ramble. After two days getting soaked on the way in and out to work, and riding through flooded bits, it wouldn't surprise me. Maybe I'll just go for a hot bath now.
  • fatfreddy
    fatfreddy Posts: 332
    the June edition of C+ (edn 197) has a review of bike carriers. Might prove useful.
