Big Crash. Can I not road bike in the rain?!

benjybob Posts: 11
edited June 2007 in Road beginners

Just bought my first road bike today. Took it out tonight and got caught, whilst riding down hill, in a deluge!

Before I knew it I had skidded, narrowly missed an on coming car, and fallen into the kerb. :(

Are road bikes just impossible to ride in the wet?

Help. I'm bruised. Literally. And scared incase I get caught out again!



  • DavidTQ
    DavidTQ Posts: 943
    Id guess its just going to take a bit of getting used to a new vehicle you were out in about the worst possbile conditions with a new bike. Give it a bit of time in the dry and you will probably find you can handle the wet stuff no problem at all. Just a case of learning the new bike.

    Ive certainly seen enough roadies out in the rain to know that they cant be too bad for wet use.
  • "Are road bikes just impossible to ride in the wet?"

    No, did you not see any of the Giro?!

    Any two wheeler is inherently unstable (for want of a more technically correct word) and more so in the wet. I don't think that for example a tractor-tyred mtb is any less likely to fall over in the wet ON TARMAC than a slick shod race bike. Trick is to avoid sudden changes of direction/speed/angle and all painted road signs and steel covers etc.

    Get well soon!

    "The Angels have my 'phone box."
    "Better than The Angels have got your Harley."
  • If it`s only a brand new bike the releasing compound they use to help remove the tyres from the moulds may not have worn off yet. If they`re anything like motorbike tyres it`s very slippy stuff in the wet until scrubbed in properly. Get a few dry miles in to wear it off a bit & try then.
  • denzil023
    denzil023 Posts: 27
    Riding in the wet is a little hairy on a road bike at first but you will soon get used to it. If it has been dry for a while and then it suddenly rains it can be nasty on the road as the film that bulds up whist it is dry becomes very slippery.

    Don't let it put you off! Get back on and have another bash. Get better soon. [;)]
  • peejay78
    peejay78 Posts: 3,378
    it's great for skid stops on fixed...

  • andrewc3142
    andrewc3142 Posts: 906
    That's rough, but don't let it put you off.

    Watch out for manhole covers, especially those thoughtfully placed halfway round corners.
  • littlered
    littlered Posts: 20
    Oh poor you[:(]
    Just get back on and give it another go, dont let it put you off. Good luck and hope your bruises heal quick