Newbie question

wuming Posts: 5
edited December 1969 in Road beginners
Very new here, so apologies if this has been asked before. I am looking to buy a hybrid bike (around œ200, give or take). I will be using it mainly on roads but want something that can take on rougher ground, as well as some long distance cycling. Any recommendations for a good, strong, reliable, value for money bike? I have been looking at the Carrera Subway, Saracen Venturer 2 and Giant Cypress DX. Any thoughts or advice about these or other models is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • Check out edinburgh cycles own-brand range (in addition to the usual suspects you name!).

    And welcome.

    "The Angels have my 'phone box."
    "Better than The Angels have got your Harley."
  • subway has excellent reviews in general...had one myself but had to sell it as the frame was too large and despite fiddling with the set-up it just never really worked and I felt out of control. Apart from that it was a lovely bike for the money!!

    I'm not a failure - I'm a deferred success!