Beginners Hybrid - Trek vs Specialized

dangeoffrey Posts: 2
edited June 2007 in Road beginners
I'm looking to buy a bike to commute to work on (about 8 miles each way). Mainly to get the exercise and to avoid using the car at least a couple of days a week.

Checked out a couple of local bike shops and it looks like it's going to come down to a Trek 7.2FX or a Specialized Globe Sport (my budget is œ300)

I'm a cycling beginner so does anyone have any views/experience of either?

Any help appreciated.


  • DLB
    DLB Posts: 631
    no idea about the spec., but i have a trek 7.1fx 2006 model and think it's brilliant. Well made and a pleasure to ride. In fact it inspired me to buy a road bike after only 3 months so i could try other forms of riding. But i still love the Trek.

    *** Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're probably right ***
    *** Whether you think you can or think you can\'t, you\'re probably right ***
  • gbb
    gbb Posts: 1,240
    I have the 7.1FX as well...probably a 2004 model. Frames and components have been good, but i think the wheels dont take much abuse...had to replace mine.
    If you respect the bike, i'm sure it would be fine...just dont kerb hop like my son did on mine.

    Chill out, fer Christsakes....

    Chill out, fer Christsakes....
  • soltydog
    soltydog Posts: 47
    I have the globe sport & love it. Had it just over 2 months & done about 500 miles with no probs. Depending where you are riding it the tyres may be a little on the wide size. I tend to use it on the Hornsea end of the trans pennine trail for my 16 mile commute & it's fine on the rougher parts of the track, but narrower tyres may be more suited if you are doing mainly road work.
    I couldn't get anything knocked off the price at my LBS but got him to throw in mudguards & a rack, so maybe worth trying for a few freebies too [;)]
  • RufusA
    RufusA Posts: 500
    Simple answer is that both are good bikes for the price and would both be suitable. Both are manufactured well, have reasonable components and after sales support. Don't get too hung up on the exact specs, swings and round-abouts.

    As to which is best for you, the only answer is to visit the LBS, sit on them, ride them, and see which you find most comfortable!

    One word of caution, as a cycling beginner you will also need to budget for a decent lock, and possibly a helmet, clothing, mud-guards, a rear-rack etc.

    HTH - Rufus.
  • Alcdrewcp
    Alcdrewcp Posts: 63
    I recently was looking at Trek and Specialized and basicly came to the conclusion that they are prety much the same, spec wise at least. So chose my bike more on looks. Went for a trek 7.5 (had bit more of a budget than you, due to the tax free bike scheme) and love it.

    This is where my witty Elephant prase would be. But Zebra's are so much better.
    This is where my witty Elephant prase would be. But Zebra\'s are so much better.
  • I have trek I have changed a few components in the time I have owned it but I am a rather large cyclist and use it for both road and off road I have changed to puncture proof tyres and put a double skin back wheel but other wise love it for riding and enjoyment, great gear range and ready for many miles, lost without it.
  • i've had a globe sport since january and think it's great. Although the only other bike I've ever ridden is a really ancient, heavy mountain bike so don't really have anything much to compare it to.
    The only thing I would say about the globe (if you get it), is to get puncture resistant tyres. The tyres that come with the bike are really really crap. I was getting a puncture almost every week and it drove me insane.
  • fatfreddy
    fatfreddy Posts: 332
    Mrs has a trek 7.2FX and I had a Spec crossroads (forerunner of Globe). Both great bikes for what they are. Someone commented last year (might have been ____ _______) that in terms of frame geometry, the Trek was a bit more sporty, the Spec CrossRoads a bit more 'relaxed'.

    Got a coin handy?
