Alpe d'Huez time to top



  • 2hrs 38mins
    only cause i stopped numrous times to tak in the views
    :lol: peter
  • RyanBrook
    RyanBrook Posts: 195
    jonty1977 wrote:
    Rode The Alpe for the second time in June, 56 mins compared to my first attempt three yrs ago which ended in failure at turn 7.

    Also rode Ventoux the same week and stayed at craigenty's place, veloventoux, can't recommend it highly enough.

    The weather was a lot better on the Alpe than Ventoux

    Good time. What was your time on Ventoux? The first time I did dhuez I did 1 hour 12 going up with a friend. I'd only been cycling a couple of months and I was on a broken steel tourer, I was 22 though.

    Then I went back last summer aged 24 on a Trek 1500 in good working order and much fitter and I only managed 1 hour 15. Must have been due to poor pacing. I though I had a chance at an hour. Oh and I was 8 pounds of extra muscle which could be the reason.

    I did Ventoux in 1hr 55 earlier on the trip which is a bit better I think.
  • you beat me by a minute on Ventoux. 31 yrs old and that was my first attempt.

    weather was awful, hail and freezing rain with visibility about 20 ft. put every bit of clothing i had on for the descent and my lips were still blue half an hour after getting off the bike.

    I'd like to go back and have a good crack at it in some decent weather.
  • RyanBrook
    RyanBrook Posts: 195
    The weather explains that then, I had a perfectly clear day in August. Still I'm glad to have a time even close considering your dhuez time. It was my first ascent up Ventoux too. I think its my favourate climb so far. Hard though. Did you start at Bedoin by the way?? I think it takes longer from malauciene*.

    I'm doing the pyrenees for the first time in a couple of weeks.
  • started from Bedoin. I still think that D'Huez is harder than Ventoux for me personally. The first two k's of D'Huez are seriously hard when you're just starting to climb and your legs haven't found a rhythm yet. Mind you I always seem to do the Alpe at the end of the week when i'm over there so I'd quite fancy it with a fresh pair of legs.

    Good luck in the pyrenees, never ridden there but would quite fancy it.
  • RyanBrook
    RyanBrook Posts: 195
    Yeah I'd agree Alpe dhuez is harder. I think one of the things I have done wrong both times is not to warm up properly. I just rode around at the bottom for 10 minutes, but I think I'm right in saying a good half an hour warm up before hand would be ideal where I get my heart rate up towards what it would be on the climb. When doing Ventoux I rode from carpentras so I felt a little better at the start.

    I doubt I'll be able to do a decent time up the Tourmalet this summer because Ive hardly done any cycling this summer. Should be good fun though. I want to do the hautacam, Aubisque, Aspin, p'ortet d' many as I can do.
  • guv001
    guv001 Posts: 688
    Managed 1hr 1 minute for Alpe D'Huez last week which I was pleased with. I also did Mont Ventoux the day before in 1 hr 44mins. I don't know how these times compare but it was my first time doing serious climbs. Also did the Galibier and Glandon (well you have to if your there don't you). I don't know if was the collective effect but the Glandon seemed the hardests but when checking out the grades etc it doesn't appear as hard as the rest.
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    guv001 wrote:
    I don't know if was the collective effect but the Glandon seemed the hardests but when checking out the grades etc it doesn't appear as hard as the rest.
    From the north side, the Glandon is hard because of the false flat about halfway up. It breaks the rhythm and, if you don't know the route, deceives about what's to come.
  • guv001
    guv001 Posts: 688
    I did the Glandon from the south (Allemont). It was still hard...