
andy66 Posts: 20
edited June 2007 in Road beginners
Picking up my new Roubaix on Friday and need to ring tomorrow as I forgot to get a computer fitted...suggestions? Just looking for basic stats (not a numbers nut).



  • 1892
    1892 Posts: 1,690
    I've just purchased a nice Blackburn computer from ribble about 20 quid does what it says on the tin big display.
    or I've had a Catseye Astrale on my mountain bike for about 6/7 years still going strong on original battery but I had to replace the bar mount / sensor as I managed to rip the wire out of the sensor but would still recomend it.[:)]
    If you are going to use a turbo at any point I would recommend one with a rear wheel sensor

    Stuck behind Vicky P and unable to overtake. The joys of cycling
    Justice for the 96