Does your bike have a name?

littlered Posts: 20
edited June 2007 in Road beginners
My bike is Petal, and my old bike is Betsie.[:D]


  • Cathryn
    Cathryn Posts: 176
    George. He's a Dawes.
  • Greenbank
    Greenbank Posts: 731
    <not my joke>

    No. Don't anthropomorphise bikes, they hate it.

    If I had a baby elephant signature, I'd use that.
    If I had a baby elephant signature, I\'d use that.
  • Archcp
    Archcp Posts: 8,987
    Yup, the winter hack is Monty, the summer bike is Mephistopheles (also called Miss Wicked - it's red), my Galaxy is called Mercury, and the trike is Murdo.

    If I had a baby elephant, it could help me clean the car. If I had a car.
    If I had a baby elephant, it could help me clean the car. If I had a car.
  • I asked my granddaughter what a good name for a bike would be. 'Sitty, cos you sit on it,' she replied, quick as a flash.

    So Sitty it is.


    No chain, no gain
    No chain, no gain
  • Touring bike is called Cat, she pulls BOB my trailer

    My hack is called Turd, cos it brown.

    My TT bike is Psycho cos its a crazy ride

    My favourite MTB is called Cape

    My cat is called mandu



    2 Bikes
  • Fnaar
    Fnaar Posts: 1,985
    Trevor the road bike, Enrico the MTB, and Percival the Ancient, who doesn't get out much.

    <b><font color="blue"><font face="Comic Sans MS">kinckers kanckers konckers</font id="Comic Sans MS"></font id="blue"></b> [:D]
  • Bike.

    "The Angels have my 'phone box."
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    Yep, all got names : 'the Roubaix', 'the Allez', 'the TCR', 'the Kona' and 'the tandem'

    why is it sunny all week yet rains at weekends ?
  • grazer
    grazer Posts: 131
    snow white
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    my bike has Thorn written on it
    and I'm the <s>rose</s> prick[:D]

    Non Omnis Moriar
  • Almost embarrassed to admit it but yes, Sofia. Sofia De Rosa. Like Sofia Loren in that they're both Italian and gorgeous, but I've only ridden one of them

    My bikes -
  • Tony666
    Tony666 Posts: 274
    I reckon people think mine is called f*** it because when I go up hill I can often be heard calling out f*** it!
  • 1892
    1892 Posts: 1,690
    The only name's mine gets called a 4 lettered words when something goes wrong with it.
    I get a bit work when old riding with a mate because he rides up hills shouting "come on baby"

    Stuck behind Vicky P and unable to overtake. The joys of cycling
    Justice for the 96
  • paulorg
    paulorg Posts: 168
    I will admit to calling it a "f****** pile of s***" when it breaks but apart for that I call my bike "my bike".[:D]

    If you buy it, they will come...

    ...upto to you and say, you didn't want to buy one of them, you should 'ave bought an elephant!!!
    If you buy it, they will come...

    ...up to you and say, you didn't want to buy one of them!!!
  • Positron
    Positron Posts: 191
    I'm sure this had come up before...

    My bikes don't have names as such, but you have to call them something to answer the question "So which of your MANY* bikes are you going out on today then?" So the new one's called "The Van" (nothing to do with 'Van The Man' but it's got a titanium frame...).

    *There aren't really that many...

    Never order anti-pasta to arrive at the same time as pasta.
  • 1892
    1892 Posts: 1,690
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Positron</i>

    I'm sure this had come up before...

    My bikes don't have names as such, but you have to call them something to answer the question "So which of your MANY* bikes are you going out on today then?" So the new one's called "The Van" (nothing to do with 'Van The Man' but it's got a titanium frame...).

    *There aren't really that many...


    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    It would need to be a horse to be named after him[:p]

    Stuck behind Vicky P and unable to overtake. The joys of cycling
    Justice for the 96
  • stevec205gti
    stevec205gti Posts: 366
    My converted mountain bike used for luggage hauling and crap weather has been nicknamed Desert Storm - but that's mainly becasue I'm an Alan Partridge fan.

    Burning brake blocks - the smell of fear
    Has the head wind picked up or the tail wind dropped off???
  • Simon (the mountain bike) [:)][:p] He is the successsor of Rocky and Horror (very aptly named, Horror belonging to me and Rocky to my friend) and Clive who had to be sold as he was way too big...

    I'm not a failure - I'm a deferred success!
  • sloboy
    sloboy Posts: 1,139
    My bicycles are named on the scheme of "popular Australian girls' names that alliterate with the bicycle's purpose". Seems simple enough, so we have

    Ralene the Road bike
    Matilda the Mountain Bike
    Kylie the Commuter.
  • JWSurrey
    JWSurrey Posts: 1,173
    I'm embarassed to say that mine now have names, though the last few haven't seemed worthy. I suppose that being an "iron horse" they're entitled to a name...

    The Frat Burner: My Fratello complete with guards and rack (for obvious reasons, despite being super light and responsive)

    The Magic Carpet/Road Razor: Haven't decided yet. Had this one for 1 week and already smashed my PB for distance, time and descent speed.
  • 2191flint
    2191flint Posts: 803
    Kev, in memory of a colleague (Kevin WOOD) who recently passed away after a short battle with Cancer, he used to cycle too, so it seemed very fitting, and in a strange way his untimely death at 49, (same age as me), prompted the purchase of my Wilier, based on the reasoning 'You just don't know when your number's up'.

    A turkey is just for Christmas, not for life.

    Me and my bike-
    Signature free - with immediate effect.

    Me and my bike-
  • Trek,the Hun,the Jock and conti, all in all rather sad really
  • My bike is called Isabella Maria, she lovely!!
  • My Time bike feels alive so I couldn't not give it a name.......Amelie
  • freddered
    freddered Posts: 391
    Last winter, in the rain, when my hands were freezing I got a puncture on a dirty flint-filled lane.

    That's when I named my bike "filthy muthaf**king C**t Ars3 tw4t b0110ck w4nker"

    It's too many letters to have stencilled on the frame.
  • Bibiana. Bibi for short.
  • Mountain Bike, Road Bike, Singlespeed and Stupid Bike. Stupid Bike is my BMX, my partner called it Stupid Bike, and the kids down the road also called it Stupid Bike, so the name stuck!
  • Oldknees
    Oldknees Posts: 214
    My Dawes is called Dobin and my Roberts, Trigger. They both like touring.

    slow is good too
    slow is good too
  • My number one bike I call Rocky cause it beats the hell out of me If I dont get my fitness right

    I also live in Cambridge so one of my bikes I Call simple Town cause if its get nicked I'd laugh,

    I do have another couple of bikes but no names for them