First 50 Advice?

turborat Posts: 15
edited June 2007 in Road beginners

I will be doing my first 50 miler very soon and just wanted advice on nutrition/fluids before and on the ride. I know it is not that far but the most I've done before is 22 miles so just want advice so I keep energy levels up.

Any help appreciated.



  • I only took water with me as err I have my own hump as it were![:I] (it is less than it was tho![:)])

    I do wish I had taken something with me tho'. I dont like them but do use them MTB'ing :Go Gels, the orange flavour one is just about palletable for me.[xx(] But I keep reading about fig rolls as being a good thing to take with you..... not tried it yet but will be doing so soon.

    My roadie

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  • try high 5 energy drink look at wiggle web sight also energy bars i have used both on many 100 plus rides . good luck
  • snakehips
    snakehips Posts: 2,272
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by ratty2k</i>
    But I keep reading about fig rolls as being a good thing to take with you
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    Good idea , it can never be wrong to have a packet of fig rolls handy

    'Follow Me' the wise man said, but he walked behind!
  • andrewc3142
    andrewc3142 Posts: 906
    Sigg bottle filled with water, peanut butter sandwich, perhaps a piece of fruit cake.

    A smoothie is nice at the end.

    If you really run out of energy a Lucozade or something similar from a shop/garage along the way although I find they taste so revolting you really have to be desparate.
  • Chris James
    Chris James Posts: 1,040
    If I am going off on a decent length ride then I would have a good breakfast of a large bowl of porridge with some jam stirred in.

    I usually just take water in my bottles - maybe a 750ml bidon for that distance, although this depends on the weather and the availability of garages / somewhere to buy a drink! A nice alternative is a dash of orange juice in the water. I wouldn't get hung up on gels etc. If you have some and like them then all well and good but you should get round okay without them.

    Food, I woudl take a banana, maybe a bit of fruit loaf or dried fruit / nuts. A lot of people say they don't get hungry but I do!

    Not sure how fast you are aiming to complete the ride or how hilly it will be. If you are just riding for pleasure but are a bit anxious about the distance then just take it easy. You might be surprised how far you go before you get tired. Try not to think too far ahead about how far there is to go or any big hills you know of. Just trundle along and remmeber to enjoy it.

    Taking a bit of money along is a good idea if you need extra water or anti bonk rations.
  • stevejmo7
    stevejmo7 Posts: 69
    mixture of above - a large bowl of porridge flavoured with honey (it's OK even if you don't normally like honey)a couple of hours before, four fig rolls and flask of water. Gets me round my sunday 55 each week with no probs.
    I must say goodbye to the blindfold
    And pursue the ideal
    The planet becoming the hostess
    Instead of the meal
    Roy Harper - 'Burn the World'
  • domtyler
    domtyler Posts: 2,648
    edited February 2011
    I would definitely recommend taking energy drink and gels and/or solid foods like bananas, fig rolls, choc coated marzipan, soreen etc. This will help keep you feeling great while you are out rather than returning feeling like you have just swum the atlantic. If you bonk you can expect to suffer for the next week while your body recovers, this is to be avoided at all costs.

    In addition, think about what you want to eat when you return home. A proper cooked meal if you have a lovely understanding wife or a recovery drink/shake (SIS Rego etc.) chilling in the fridge is great on your return as you can just drink that which sorts you out straight away and stops you over eating on junk that may be lying around.

    Porridge not Petrol
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    Porridge not Petrol
  • andrewc3142
    andrewc3142 Posts: 906
    As with activities like hill-walking, I think it's important not to get too reliant on these quick energy foods/drinks. They will give you a boost if you are suffering. However, I think better is to avoid the situation by eating proper foods at the right time, and in small quantities, taking account of the speed with which various foods will release energy.

    Plus energy foods/drinks cost quite a lot, taste disgusting and ruin your teeth.
  • Bananas and fig rolls
    carry water and some PSP 22 in a plastic bag to mix with water for a quick boost

    Eat before you get hungry,little and often, look how Henman eats bits of a banana between games.

    On fast long rides like the C2C ( 11 hours 54 mins)I carry Dolly Mixtures or Jelly Babies for quick sugar intake near the end, not recommended, but works for me.



    2 Bikes
  • Tony666
    Tony666 Posts: 274
    Only done 40 miles but again it's a bowl of porridge about an hour before the off, fruzelli bars on route (they fit in a garb bag), and two bottles of an isotonic drink.
  • peejay78
    peejay78 Posts: 3,378
    i have peanut butter and banana on toast before, usually about three pieces.

    i have a coffee too, it's great.

    then i drink funny powdery drinks like "Go" and eat cereal bars, or power bars, or carrot cake every now and then on the ride. eating regularly makes a massive difference.

  • Jonathan Mcp
    Jonathan Mcp Posts: 2,472
    Got to think about the duration 7 intensity of an activity, while there is no substitue for proper eating, I personaly can't eat when I'm cycling, I get horrendous heartburn, and on longer rides do use isotonic drinks. Yet hillwalking proper food 7 a litre of juice is plenty, yet a 4 or 5 hour ride i can get through a lot more fluid.

    <font size="1">It isn't growing up that stops us playing, it is stopping playing that makes us grow up.

    Go and see my bikes</font id="size1">
  • Saturn
    Saturn Posts: 628
    To drink: 50-50 mix of orange juice & water with a pinch of salt (energy drinks upset some peoples stomachs on long rides.

    To eat: fruit flapjacks, muesli bars etc fit in jersey pockets well and have the right ingredients - or a nice cafe halfway round.

    Before: tin of rice pudding with some honey, plus something solid like toast, plus a banana.
    <font size="1">May all your tail winds be up-drafts</font id="size1">
  • turborat
    turborat Posts: 15
    Wow, great advice guys!!!

    Think I will go down the rice-pudding/porridge route for brekkie as like both (which allways helps!). Will take a bottle of orange/water mix and a pack of fig-rolls. I just have to remember to take a little before getting hungry/tired...

    I am looking forward to it and feel a bit happier now in the knowledge of some good advice.

    Thanks again and I will try and post once completed.

  • nun
    nun Posts: 434
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by turborat</i>

    Wow, great advice guys!!!

    Think I will go down the rice-pudding/porridge route for brekkie as like both (which allways helps!). Will take a bottle of orange/water mix and a pack of fig-rolls. I just have to remember to take a little before getting hungry/tired...

    I am looking forward to it and feel a bit happier now in the knowledge of some good advice.

    Thanks again and I will try and post once completed.

    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    Here's what I did for my 54 mile ride last Sunday,

    Breakfast, Bagel with cream cheese and som OJ
    On the bike, 3x 20 fl oz water bottles, one bagel, one brownie, one banana

    Rode 25 miles and stopped for lunch of bagel and banana, I'd drunk 2x bottles water so filled one up with water and another with a Poweraid bought from the shops. Ate the brownie on the bike

    Rode home and got a Rasberry sherbert
  • andrewc3142
    andrewc3142 Posts: 906
    Just one further thought.

    Caramel slice.