strange sensation

alecstilleyedye Posts: 1,170
edited June 2007 in Road beginners
went out riding in the peak district yesterday and did some absolutely nasty climbs (esp. the one out of edale if anyone knows it).

strange though was that although my lungs were not hurting in the slightest (which they have previously on nasty climbs) i seemed to have so little power, doing about 3mph grinding away on 30x25[:I] but as soon as the terrain went flat again, normal power in my legs returned.

as a relative newb to this type of terrain on a bike, can anyone recommend anything over and above getting out and doing it more oftern?

if i had a better signature, i'd use that instead
riding on my bicycle, i saw a motorcrash…


  • road-runner
    road-runner Posts: 8,630
    We all gets days when we're not at our best, such as whether through tiredness, overtraining, illness, having just eaten too much. Don't jusdge yourself on one day's performance but keep going and notice the impreovement over time.
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    Agree with RR - sometimes you just get days like this

    sometimes you seem to have to work really hard to keep a relatively low pace and some times you are just flying along. there are many variables - you could be coming down with a cold or perhaps you have been overtraining / under-resting etc.

    perhaps have a few days off and go again?