O h my God!

Bigtallfatbloke Posts: 232
edited June 2007 in Road beginners
My new panniers just arrived today, so I've installed them and loaded them up only about 25% full and headed off on my smallest loop tonight just after dark....I can REALLY tell the weight difference, and I couldnt get up my local hill without 2 stops....ooops...oh well I have a month to get fit before the off...I will probably need to revise my route a little for my trip, break down the overnights a little more...less each day....I am thinking I'll try to kick off early, do most of the miles then have a long lunch/rest on the village greeens of essex, suffolk and norfolk before doing 3 more hours later..anyway...one thing is for sure...if this lark doesnt get me fit nuffink will!
Gravity sucks


  • Cunobelin
    Cunobelin Posts: 11,792
    Touring is not all about distances.....

    I love Churches, old buildings and ancient sites. I love pubs and towns and curiosities.

    All of these make a tour more interesting, and if you only do a few miles does it really matter if you have learnt something, or experienced something?

    <b><i>He that buys land buys many stones.
    He that buys flesh buys many bones.
    He that buys eggs buys many shells,
    But he that buys good beer buys nothing else.</b></i>
    (Unattributed Trad.)
    <b><i>He that buys land buys many stones.
    He that buys flesh buys many bones.
    He that buys eggs buys many shells,
    But he that buys good beer buys nothing else.</b></i>
    (Unattributed Trad.)
  • vernonlevy
    vernonlevy Posts: 969
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Bigtallfatbloke</i>

    My new panniers just arrived today, so I've installed them and loaded them up only about 25% full and headed off on my smallest loop tonight just after dark....I can REALLY tell the weight difference, and I couldnt get up my local hill without 2 stops....ooops...oh well I have a month to get fit before the off...I will probably need to revise my route a little for my trip, break down the overnights a little more...less each day....I am thinking I'll try to kick off early, do most of the miles then have a long lunch/rest on the village greeens of essex, suffolk and norfolk before doing 3 more hours later..anyway...one thing is for sure...if this lark doesnt get me fit nuffink will!
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    There's no shame in stopping on hills. I still do it on the long slogs with loaded panniers and sometimes without them. In fact this year half way round an Audax I got off and pushed my bike for around 1/2 mile uphill. I might have been able to cycle up it but my protesting knees had other thoughts.

    For your first tour stop whenever you feel that you need to and slot in some pauses in between. One of my early touring mistakes was to not eat enough.

    Try porridge for breakfast and have a cereal bar and/or banana every hour or so. Mnay of my breaks were extended when I ended up chatting to locals.
  • Zendog1
    Zendog1 Posts: 816
    I'm just wondering have you ridden Norfolk and Suffolk? My rule of thumb is 1,000 ft of climbing for 30 miles and you get quite a lot of wind most days (say 15mph average) even in summer.

    It's great riding country but if you are looking to do 100 miles (guessing from your post) a day with a full load it will be hard work.

  • dondare
    dondare Posts: 2,113
    "PANNIERS. Bags which have been modified to be attached to a bicycle for the purpose of carrying approximately 50% more than you need. Similar to a purse. When shopping, look for panniers with a large capacity and don't buy them, as they just make your bicycle heavier. "

    From Bikereader. http://www.bikereader.com/contributors/ ... ry.html#16
    This post contains traces of nuts.
  • 100 miles a day!!!...erm...in my dreams..
    no, I am pretty realistic about my capability at the moment in so much as i know I will probably be doing more like 20 miles with a loaded bike (40 without).

    I havent ridden up there at all so it will all be new to me. The wind in a concern, but hey I'm going anyway and I cant change it, but I was wondering if there is a 'better' direction to cycle along the northern coast...East to west, or west to east?

    I bought four bags because next year I am going abroad with my bike. This trip I will likely only take two bags...loaded with the absolute minimum of stuff.
    Gravity sucks
  • sonicred007
    sonicred007 Posts: 1,091
    12 months ago I bought some panniers and never used them until the day I set off for Manchester, from London. Yeah, they were heavier than I imagined... also echo the bike reader quote, too far too much stuff for the trip

    You'll love it. I found the whole experience a real escape and empty country lanes when everyone else is at work is true guilty pleasure!

    I remember stopping just to take in the sun bouncing off the fields, nevermind churches and villages

    No such trip planned for this year sadly, but mrs sonicred is getting her first bike soon and wants holiday on two wheels
  • sadly my Mrs couldnt be less interested in a cycle tour...she's more the 'decent hotel' type and the thought of roughing it a bit fill her with disgust....oh well..

    anyway I just got back this morning from a short 35km loop with two 50% loaded bags (part of my 'training')...Headed up from Basildon, to herongate, brentwwod, ingatstone, stock, billericay and home...just a short tester with some load.
    Thing is all I was looking at were the pubs, cricket on the village green etc...
    Up aroung Blackmore and high wood there are country pubs to die for...I could easily end up riding from one boozer to the next...pint a pub ride....but that wont do my 'training' any good, not to mention the legalities etc...oh well...

    I stopped to watch the local cricket game at herongate...havent done that ever before...not even once have I seen a cricket game in England before...sad.

    I was riding through High wood the other day on my way back from chignall st.James looking at all the posh houses and saying out loud to myself..." ...Hmm...you lot may have all this, but I'm here doing this and breathing in the air while you lot struggled into the city on the 6am train to give your selves coronaries

    when I get to norfolk, assuming the weather is good I am going to make a point of watching the sunset every night.
    Gravity sucks