My First 12 Miler !

Dearo Posts: 58
edited June 2007 in Road beginners
Done my first 12 mile ride today in 52 mins ! Not a brilliant time, but then again I am a 5ft 9" tellytubby carrying 19 stone around with me.

In the past 4 weeks I've only been able to get up to 6 miles because of aching feet (On the outsides of both feet). Looks like the recent adjustments to the cleats and shoes have paid off..

What now ? Do I get a few more 12 mile rides under my belt (and trust me it's a biggen) or do I increase the time I intend to ride or increase the mileage to a set limit ??

Please excuse my blatant inexperience, but hey we all need to start somewhere..




  • Markta
    Markta Posts: 767
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Dearo</i>

    Done my first 12 mile ride today in 52 mins ! Not a brilliant time, but then again I am a 5ft 9" tellytubby carrying 19 stone around with me.

    In the past 4 weeks I've only been able to get up to 6 miles because of aching feet (On the outsides of both feet). Looks like the recent adjustments to the cleats and shoes have paid off..

    What now ? Do I get a few more 12 mile rides under my belt (and trust me it's a biggen) or do I increase the time I intend to ride or increase the mileage to a set limit ??

    Please excuse my blatant inexperience, but hey we all need to start somewhere..


    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Well done! [:)] When I was 18 stone, the most I could manage was 5 miles on a chunky and heavy œ50 mountain bike. I found that increasing mileage by 10% a week paid dividends
  • Dearo
    Dearo Posts: 58
    Must admit, I got a real buzz out of today's ride, although only 12 miles, I felt as though I had achieved something at the end !!!

    Down to the Indian Palace to celebrate with a curry and a few pints of Cobra Beer (only kidding)...


  • well done indeed!
    I weigh 20 stone and have only been at this lark for about 3 weeks ish first ride was a total disaster, barely made it one mile around the bloody park! Scared a few ducks and fishermen though[:D]

    ...But I have been out every other day since then and am now doing 35-40 miles in around three hours. I have to say i have surprised myself ...and I havent fallen off even once...touches wood.[:D]

    What helped me was talking other cyclists at Essex roads club on a novice ride (60km from my door home!) about how to set up the bike properly. I learned a lot about saddle height, body position, attacking hills etc. Great bunch of people as well.

    I decided to ride one day followed by a rest day initially. I am now riding two days and then one rest day.

    I took a simple decision....I dont give a flying F%$* what anybody thinks of a fat geezer like me huffing and puffing around hold up traffic. I dont care what i look like and a i dont give a toss how I compare to other cyclists out there, I am just doing what i can when i can how I can...I feel a lot better for it.

    Keep heavies have to stick together![:)]
    Gravity sucks
  • vernonlevy
    vernonlevy Posts: 969
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Dearo</i>

    Done my first 12 mile ride today in 52 mins ! Not a brilliant time, but then again I am a 5ft 9" tellytubby carrying 19 stone around with me.

    In the past 4 weeks I've only been able to get up to 6 miles because of aching feet (On the outsides of both feet). Looks like the recent adjustments to the cleats and shoes have paid off..

    What now ? Do I get a few more 12 mile rides under my belt (and trust me it's a biggen) or do I increase the time I intend to ride or increase the mileage to a set limit ??

    Please excuse my blatant inexperience, but hey we all need to start somewhere..


    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Well done!

    Within five months of taking up cycling again at 45 and 24 stone I was riding fifty miles per day on the C2C cycle route.

    Still a porky 21 stones but regularly ride 100km (62 miles) Audaxes and have recently ridden 3 x 200km Audaxes.

    Ride regularly. Keep hydrated. Create a few different loop circuits of different distances to maintain some variety. Stick at it and enjoy.

    The jumps in distances can be quite large. I seemed to hit a ceiling of 55 miles in my first year of cycling. The following year, on consecutive Sundays, I rode: a 100km, a 150km and a 200km Audax before going on to cycle from Lands End to John O'Groats.

    Dont be frightened of tring for 15 miles soon then 20 then 25....

    Beware though. Cycling can become addictive. I have five bikes now.
  • Well done Dearo, keep it up. Don't worry about speed / times at the moment, just concentrate on getting the mileage in.

    My bikes -
  • on the road
    on the road Posts: 5,631
    Well done!

    As everyone else has said, concentrate distance rather then speed. But you'll find that as you get fitter you'll get faster anyway.
  • nice one. see if you can find somewhere to stop for a brew and a few minutes rest after the half way point and increase the distance that way, it make sit easier.just enjoy it and don't set targets or speeds.
  • gbb
    gbb Posts: 1,240
    Nice one Dearo....the miles quoted always seem a bit unimportant compared with more experienced cyclists...but they are true milestones for all 'novices' (hope you dont mind that term)
    I'm lucky to have always been slim and enjoyed challenging myself a small way.
    Even so 15 miles was a challenge for me at first....relax and enjoy, the miles will come, and you'll get such a buzz from doing them.

    Chill out, fer Christsakes....

    Chill out, fer Christsakes....
  • Tony666
    Tony666 Posts: 274
    Really well done. Everyone has their own milestones and don't undersell your achievement with "only" 12 miles. I can remember getting back on my bike after years away from it as unfit as anything and the sense of achievement I felt when I did my first 12 miler
  • on2wheels
    on2wheels Posts: 102
    Well done mate, give yourself a pat on the back, 12 miles is a long way, just keep doing the mileage and you'll be up to 20 miles, but do it in YOUR own time, achieving small goals is better than failing unrealistic ones. Have to agree with vernonlevy though. cycling can become addictive [:D]
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    The key is not mileage nor distance but enjoyment! I can go out with a club, do 50 miles and not have a happy day. I can do 30 miles solo, set my pace, my stops and my route and come back feeling great. You can go out and do 25 miles in 2 hours or you can do the same 25 in 1 hour 20 minutes and come back exhausted, I know which I would rather do. Set yourself realistic & achievable goals, I see that you have entered the London-Windsor in September and that's your first goal. I remember going out years ago on a club run, we were joined by a callow youth who announced that he had joined the club to train for LEJOG which he was going to do in 8 days in 2 months time! I think he had two Sunday rides with us and then disappeared off the face of the map. His goal was not realistic but yours of the London-Windsor is. You'll do it and you'll enjoy it!

    Ex-XXL weigh-in 9/10 June: Update published: Monday 11 June
  • Dearo
    Dearo Posts: 58
    Thanks all for your words of encouragement !

    Hey Bigtallfatbloke, nice to hear from someone I can relate to.. I have adopted the same attitude as you big man, I too don't give a flying F%$* on how people look at me or laugh at me when I go past in my Lycra gear (Ooh er missus)..

    I have been thinking about looking for a club to join, but I've always thought that I was in a different league to everyone else, and yes, would the rest of the Club look at me and take the P%ss ?? or get annoyed if I couldn't keep up with the pace ?

    Your comments have relaxed my attitude towards Cycling Clubs and yes, maybe I shall look to see what is available in my area.

    Cheers mate.


  • webbhost
    webbhost Posts: 470
    "only 12 miles" is 12 miles more than everyone else who just uses a car. It will pay off. I would say stick to 10 milers for now, and when you feel you can do 12 miles comfortably, add a little on. Well done with your achievement, would be nice to hear how you progress on ;)
  • Buggi
    Buggi Posts: 674
    There are plenty of people out there who would die at the thought of doing 12 miles (or at least pull the quilt back over their head), so well done you!

    keep it up, in no time you'll be doing 30, then 60 and then you'll be on here telling us you've done a century (something i was going to achieve tomorrow except now i've been hit with a chest infection so had to take a rain check)


    To infinity... and beyond!
    my epic adventure:

    To infinity... and beyond!
    my epic adventure:
  • nolf
    nolf Posts: 1,287
    12 miles in less than an hour is pretty good!

    The first time I got back on a bike after many years off it, I rode 6 miles in half an hour and died of exhaustion. So well done for not only the mileage but the time- 1hr on the bike is much better than many people I know.

    2 yearsish later and I'm totally addicted and knocking out 300 miles a week with at least 1 day with 100 miles plus.

    Stick at it, make sure your bike is properly set up, get some friends who you can cycle with occasionally and give you hints, advice etc. Talk to your local bike shop (not halfords- they tend not to know much) for other gear advice and they will tell you about cycle clubs and other stuff.

    Just remember to keep enjoying it and stick with it.

    Pride speaks, but Elephants listen...
    "I hold it true, what'er befall;
    I feel it, when I sorrow most;
    'Tis better to have loved and lost;
    Than never to have loved at all."

    Alfred Tennyson
  • Dearo
    Dearo Posts: 58
    Yeah I must admit I'm a complete novice, so help with setting up the bike and bike maintainance are fields in which I really need help in.

    What do you lube, what not to lube ??? What type of lubes to use AND which ones to stay clear of... etc etc etc ???


  • freddered
    freddered Posts: 391
    All the above.

    Remember that when you read cycling forums you get a distorted view of what's a long cycle ride.

    I started doing Audax rides this year and some people talk about riding 600km as if it's a ride around the block (That's 370 miles in one ride). Talk to a 'normal' person in the office and 12 miles is a substantial cycle ride.

    The important thing is that you enjoy it. Don't ruin that by trying to go too fast or too far too soon.

    Try dropping your average speed by 1mph and you'll probably be able to cycle 25 miles, it really can make a big difference if you stop riding at your max.

    You have some good milestones ahead of you now.

    20miles, 50km, 50 miles, 100km, 100miles and so on.

    Sign up for a 50 mile charity ride, that will be great incentive to start adding a mile to your loop every few days or weeks. It's amazing how quickly you improve.
  • sonicred007
    sonicred007 Posts: 1,091
    Been off my bike for five weeks after a collision - will be relying on 7 mile commute and maybe 10-20 miles loops at best to get my 14 stone frame going again.

    Congrats on the progress!!!
  • gbb
    gbb Posts: 1,240
    <i>Originally posted by freddered</i>

    All the above.

    <font color="red">Try dropping your average speed by 1mph and you'll probably be able to cycle 25 miles, it really can make a big difference if you stop riding at your max.</font id="red">

    You have some good milestones ahead of you now.

    Agreed 100%. Sometimes its nice not to push too hard, relax and enjoy the ride. You will go further and feel better when youve finished.

    Chill out, fer Christsakes....

    Chill out, fer Christsakes....
  • 2191flint
    2191flint Posts: 803

    Well done, hopefully you are enjoying the bike, and getting plenty of admiring looks from everyone! Keep at it, just extend your distance , try and find different routes to vary what you are doing , so find a nice pancake flat section for speed and then some hills for improving your climbing.[8D]

    A turkey is just for Christmas, not for life.

    Me and my bike-
    Signature free - with immediate effect.

    Me and my bike-
  • Dearo
    Dearo Posts: 58
    Will try dropping the average speed on my next outing, will keep you all posted !

    Mr. Flint, your bike is certainly getting a few Wolf Whistles from the Tourists over in Windsor !!!

    The thing is Chris, I cannot see what is left to upgrade on the bike; I think you've done it all ?? The only thing that is standard as far as I can see is the Headset ??? I must admit I am a bit of a tart and would like to change this in the near future, any ideas ??

    How's life with your new WEE WILLY ??????

  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    Well done that man !!!!!!!!
    I started as a fat 42 year old who had started to do the family tree and realised that no male in my family had lived through to 60 in fact very few had seen 55. 10 miles was a very very long way and I poured scourn on those lycra clad wonnabees. 6 years later my GP is over the moon at my improved health, 10 miles is a stroll in the park and yes I am a lycra clad wonnabee and proud of it.
    As said before drop the speed a bit and the miles will fly by.
    The trouble is cycling becomes your life it's not just for the sunny days.

    He who spins lasts longest

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace
  • Well done on those 12 miles! [:D] May there be many more under your tyres!!
  • Dearo
    Dearo Posts: 58
    No John, I take my Helmet Off to you Sir (Pardon the phrase), well done me old mucker !

    I'm 34 years old and used to be 20+ stone, 18.5 ish now and still loosing by the week...

    I got to the stage where I was struggling big time on the escalator on the London Underground... They were down for several days and therefore I had to walk up them.. Well I got to the top and felt as though my lungs were going to explode... That's when I thought to myself "Come on Dearo, you got to sort your life out"

    And hopefully that's what I've started to do, hey I like my old pint and the odd curry here there and everywhere, but I've learnt to cut down on units and the size of portions..

  • 2191flint
    2191flint Posts: 803

    You're quite right, there is nothing left really, I wouldn't bother with a new headset, until the present one starts giving problems, which probably will be outside of the lifetime of the bike, as far as your ownership goes, cos guaranteed, you'll get the bug, and as nice as the Allez is, you too will want to move on to something just a little bit better!

    As for the Wilier, everything is OK,just getting used to the Ergo's and enjoying being out on her! which I will later on this evening. keep popping to the shed lifting the cover and having a look (makes me smile)[8D]

    A turkey is just for Christmas, not for life.

    Me and my bike-
    Signature free - with immediate effect.

    Me and my bike-