First 18 miles for years!!

edited June 2007 in Road beginners
I bought a Trek Pilot 1.2 for the reson of trying a few commutes on it. I work shifts so riding to work 5 days a week isn`t practicle & with me living 18 miles a away from work it`s a bit of a psycological barrier for me especially when theres quite a big hill involved [:I] So yesterday I did it! (both ways too!) So I`m well chuffed with that at just over an hour both ways [:D] It`s no Fred Whitton but it`s a start [:I]

Well I`m pleased with myself [:D]


  • e999sam
    e999sam Posts: 426
    Well done. I'm in a similar situation I work shifts and do 18.5 to work and 20.5 home ( 2 miles etra to miss out the big hill.) At the moment I'm trying to do it 4 days a week with Wed off.
  • Rich Hcp
    Rich Hcp Posts: 1,355
    You should be pleased with yourself![:D]

    Good start, it'll get easier and you'll start going out for rides for the hell of it!

    And you'll get fitter too.

    It's all good[8D]


    Best thing I ever bought for a bike?
    Padded shorts![:D]

    Giving it Large
  • Good Work! [:D]

    Mleh Mleh Mleh
  • domtyler
    domtyler Posts: 2,648
    edited February 2011
    Okay then, you may have a couple of beers tonight!

    Porridge not Petrol
    Ford Fusion Picture
    Porridge not Petrol
  • Thanks for the encouragement folks! [:D]
    I`ve got a couple of "challenges" that I need to do, one being the big hill home from work (done [:D]) and my other hill within a mile or 2 of me that I can`t get up without stopping even in granny gear [:I] I tried that today & only stopped once for a few seconds so things are looking good so far! I encorporate a 10 mile scenic route into that ride. I bought a Heart rate moniter & have used that & found it useful to know I`m still within a range that is getting me fitter rather than beasting myself in the belief I`m not doing any good unless I`m nearly being sick with effort [;)] been there, done that!
  • evocp
    evocp Posts: 217
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by domtyler</i>

    Okay then, you may have a couple of beers tonight!

    Porridge not Petrol
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    chuck in a chicken kebab too[;)]

  • Excellent! Not saying much I know, but faster than me!

    "Like a true nature's child,
    We were born,
    Born to drink mild"
  • MrKawamura
    MrKawamura Posts: 192
    Well done. Got my bike three weeks ago, and to be honest havn't seriously considered cycling the 19 miles to work yet. You are inspiring me to give it a go, at least to try it one way. I have been driving home and then going out on the bike. If I just cycled home I'll have finished my ride much earlier, removed a car from the road, got fitter, lost wieght and the train fare in the morning wouldn't cost much more than the fuel I'm currently using (don't think I could cope with getting up earlier at the moment). It's a no brainer really, I'll try it next week, thanks.
  • Do it! I set off 2 hrs 20 mins before work start time as I had no idea how long it would take me & was pleasantly surprised that it was just over an hour [:D] nice time to enjoy a shower & a cuppa before the start of my shift [:D] I found it, like most things, all in the head & positive thinking helped a lot especially when having a big hill I was dreading to look forward to 7 miles in & setting off at 10.30 pm [:p] It is quiet on the roads then at least.
    Ride there then you`ll have to ride home then! Don`t forget theres an 8 hour break in between [;)]

    Let us know how you get on!
  • Tony666
    Tony666 Posts: 274
    Good going. You'll find it gets easier every week.