Rear Mech doing sewing machine impressions

DavidTQ Posts: 943
edited June 2007 in Workshop
OK got a dawes discovery 201 hybrid, in the last couple of days Ive noticed it making an extra ticking noise whilst cycling along. Ive just been out to take a look at it and realised the noise is coming from the rear mech which is jumping left and right making a noise like a sewing machine (also looks a bit like a sewing machine motion). The rear gears are selecting fine, but im assuming something is very wrong here, anyone give me any pointers on what to look for?


  • meenaghman
    meenaghman Posts: 345
    Could be a stiff link in the chain. Is it happening once every chain revolution?
    To check backpedal slowly with hands while looking at the rear derailler. When it jumps check the chain for some stiff links at that point. If stiff bend chain slightly from side to side around that point.
  • DavidTQ
    DavidTQ Posts: 943
    I think its doing it on near enough every link [:0] it really is as fast a sewing machine at full whack.
  • solocp
    solocp Posts: 285
    Have you cleaned the jockey wheels? Maybe someting caught in there.
  • The Bosscp
    The Bosscp Posts: 647
    Is the bit of excess inner cable that comes out catching in the chain?
  • DavidTQ
    DavidTQ Posts: 943
    Well took a look at it at home got the bike up side town took a look at what I think is the jockey wheel (red plastic wheel) and started to clean it whilst turning the pedals I spotted the cause of my high speed clicking on every link... Im sure I can re route it to run correctly but anyone care to explain how on earth Ive managed to do this???

    Ive re routed the chain now, I think the problem would have cured itself before too long judgeing by how little metal there is left where it was running over the guard [:0]
  • I've done that before. [:I] Luckily I realised almost immediately.

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  • DavidTQ
    DavidTQ Posts: 943
    How did it happen when you had it happen? was it a gear shift or something else?