Edinburgh - St Andrews Ride



  • Ravenbait
    Ravenbait Posts: 13,064
    Tom, is that just the Duathlon? Is there any footage of the tri or did you show some sense and stay in bed [:D]?


    <font size="1"><font color="teal">The cross product of Tank Girl and Ellen Ripley:</font id="teal">

    <font color="purple">"<u>You</u> might remember that 'annoyed' is my natural state!"</font id="purple">

    <font color="purple">"Ya'd think we could just attract ants, like normal people."</font id="purple"></font id="size1">

    "You might remember that 'annoyed' is my natural state!"
    "Ya'd think we could just attracts ants, like normal people."
  • Mollie
    Mollie Posts: 90

    I'm afraid that's all I got. The spectators beside me looking shocked at the speed and wheel shimmies as the riders go past had been at an Edinburgh Road Club breakfast which I had also managed to miss.
    Were you pleased with your finishing time?

  • Ravenbait
    Ravenbait Posts: 13,064
    It was slow, Tom. I am disappointed in myself for being such a girl (even though I <i>am</i> a girl!) on the descent because the bike leg is usually the one in which I do well. Lost a significant whack of time over that. I managed a measly 6th in cat on the bike leg this time. The swim was a disaster zone because of the crazy zig-zag swim they made us do and the (much slower) girl in front not getting out of the way. The run is always a painful plod and it was more so than usual. I think the cold and wet had seized everything by that point.

    That said, I did the race in the same time as I did the New Year's Day version in January (my first triathlon), even though the swim was nearly twice as long. I'm obviously improving [^].


    <font size="1"><font color="teal">The cross product of Tank Girl and Ellen Ripley:</font id="teal">

    <font color="purple">"<u>You</u> might remember that 'annoyed' is my natural state!"</font id="purple">

    <font color="purple">"Ya'd think we could just attract ants, like normal people."</font id="purple"></font id="size1">

    "You might remember that 'annoyed' is my natural state!"
    "Ya'd think we could just attracts ants, like normal people."