Best Route: Morden to Boxhill

Posts: 197
This is probably really lazy; I would really appreciate help with the best(most traffic free)route between Morden & Boxhill. I fancy a jaunt tomorrow, I have n't lived in the area long and not really au fait with the roads other than main roads, which I want to avoid if possible. Thanks.
Infamy, Infamy they 've all got it Infamy
Infamy, Infamy they 've all got it Infamy
Been a while 20+ years, but something like...
Morden to Sutton via Rose-hill, through Sutton out the other side, hand a left at the Royal Marsden, up Cotswold road to Banstead, hang a right in Banstead and then cross the A217 toward Epsom Downs, at the rece-course head towards the stands, go past them and at the next roundabout there's a left that takes you then around the back or the Race course and then...I can't remember exactly, but there is a route signposted from there that am certain takes you to the top of Box Hill....
Bit vague but....
Suggest get an OS map of the area, from Morden there are quite a few good places to get too by bike.
(Sad to say, will be in Morden tonight, taking the Mother-in-law home).
The pessimists of this world are rarely disappointed....
Fab's TCR10 -
The most traffic free route I can think of would be to follow the cycle route through Nonsuch Park to Epsom and then head over to the race course, something like this:
I generally tend to follow the A24 to Epsom and turn onto the road that takes you past the Hospital (Woodcote Road). From there you're onto fairly quiet roads all the way to Box Hill. Route looks something like this:
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