body building drinks

edited December 1969 in Road beginners
i am just getting serious about road biking will these drinks aid in my muscle development? would they not cause a"gut"? advisable or not?

ooooh ya cheeky munkee
felix's bike

pedal like you stole something!!!


  • Wogan
    Wogan Posts: 203
    Muscles will only develop if you:

    a) push them to their limits on a regular basis
    b) provide enough fuel and building materials for repair and growth

    Drinking a protein shake after a long ride might help in reducing leg ache after a tough/long ride but unless you are into some serious weight training, a normal balanced diet will provide enough of b) to keep you happy.

    <font size="1">Kenny Everett bent my wand :(</font id="size1">
    <font>Hemingway Soapbags</font>
  • dbg
    dbg Posts: 846
    Quite a good way to gain weight, but I doubt you want to do that if you want to be a decent cyclist! I wouldn't bother, as Wogan sez.
  • sarkmeister
    sarkmeister Posts: 142
    I agree with the comments so far. Protein drinks are only help you get "muscley" if you combine them with appropriate weight lifting.

    They wouod only cause a "gut" like any other food, ie if never used.
    Orange Crush 2010
    Trek 1.5c
  • derosa
    derosa Posts: 2,819
    I find that 500ml of SIS Rego at the end of a ride aids recovery, ... SAEFOO0350

    but the "high protein" supplements aren't worth it unless you are training really hard (300-400 miles a week).

    Big H

    3 Grand Bike, 30 bob legs!

    Big H

    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind always be at your back.
  • McBain_v1
    McBain_v1 Posts: 5,237
    I wouldn't do the Mega Muscle Gainer drinks if you want to bulk your thighs. Best way to do this is to introduce weight training into your regime. Get some squats done with heavy weights and force your legs to grow. Eat natural protein rather than synthesised drinks, you'll fart less and your body will thank you for it [;)]

    <font size="1">
    What do I ride? Now that's an <b><font color="black">Enigma</b></font id="black"> </font id="size1">

    What do I ride? Now that's an Enigma!
  • Protein drink is a good supplement to have when food isn't available.
    I keep some at work, which I take occasionally.
    However I weight train and cycle.

    My Bike