YEAH!!!!! did it!

edited June 2007 in Road beginners
Well, got my first 50 miler under my belt. Some of you will have read 'bout my first 30 miler, sorry to bore you all again![:)]

As stated 50 miles, well actually 52.62 acording to the computer. Avg speed of 17.3 mph, with a top out of 36.6- that got me going "ohhhh, argghhh, brake......."[:I] All done in a time of 3:01:36, was gutted till I saw I'd done 52! YES! 50 miles in under 3 hrs, VERY HAPPY!!!!!
Not much left at the end tho' struggled around the 48 mile mark (Bonking?) Any tips for further runs? I'm guessing to take some food, as I had none with me today- trying to use the er, reserves of energy (fat) and should drink more- I had 2 litre bottles but only drank one..... Heres looking forward to the metric ton....

Forgot to add, put some new levers on the other night. Ebay, œ36 for Veloce 9 speeds! Difference is night and day compared to the previous plastic ones.


  • dakidcp
    dakidcp Posts: 744
    Grats!!! I've only done a couple of 30-milers, so 50 miles seems like a damn good achievement to me, especially with that that average speed. Grats [:D]

    <hr noshade size="1">"Get a bicycle. You will not regret it, if you live."
    <i>Mark Twain</i>
    <hr noshade size="1">"Get a bicycle. You will not regret it, if you live."
    <i>Mark Twain</i>
  • [:I]Cheers! Dont know what kind of avg. most people have but that seems a pretty steady pace for me.

    Its pretty flat round here in Cheshire, not to say there are no hills, some are short, steep, nasty buggers! Was really glad of a mile run down hill at the end! Nothing steep, but it just took the strain off the legs for a while.
  • steve23
    steve23 Posts: 2,202
    dont worry about your average!!!

    its pretty fast over 52 miles!!! and it can only get faster!!!

    good ride!

    If You Can't Cut It With The Big Dogs, Then Don't Pi$$ Up The Tall Trees!
    You Know It!
    If You Can't Cut It With The Big Dogs, Then Don't Pi$$ Up The Tall Trees!
  • DLB
    DLB Posts: 631
    I also did 50 mile today and feel kn@ckered now. Well done mate - a quick time too. It took me about 5 hours on my hybrid.

    *** Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're probably right ***
    *** Whether you think you can or think you can\'t, you\'re probably right ***
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Hi - well done on the 50 miles! Where abouts in cheshire are you? I'm Altrincham and mostly cycle around ashley, tatton, lymm, high legh.
    I managed 48 miles last weekend - I should really have made the route a bit longer and passed the 50 but I was quite tired by the end of it and glad to get home. Your Avg speed of 17.3mph sounds really quick to me. I'm now around 15.7mph and am quite chuffed at that.
    Good for you!
  • DLB- yep same here, knackered but happy! I guess the reason for the difference in times is down to me being on a racer? Faster wheels and tyres etc....?

    popette, Warrington is where I live. Its been many years since I've ridden a road bike- best part of 22 years! The main reason was to get more miles in so the MTB'ing would be easier! But I must say certainly in the more rural areas, I'm enjoying the roadie in its on right. Going to have to get further south of Warrington for most of my riding I think. Might start looking at heading round Delamere way.... Further away from the traffic and chav's[:(]- maybe that should be[:D] seeing as I'd be further away from them.

    Steve23, not overly concerned about the avg. speed, but I'm trying to get figures so I have something to compare to later. It's nice to know I'm improving, but proof is just for me! Hhe says having just posted times.....[:I][:D]
  • That's some going Ratty2k, I done 20 in aboiut 1:18 today, and I'll be happy if I can use anywhere near that pace for the Northern Rock Cyclone next month.

    <font size="1"><hr noshade size="1">
    <font color="red">My Photos</font id="red"> <font color="blue">My Inbred</font id="blue"> <font color="teal"></font id="teal">My Carrera Gryphon <font color="black">My Single Speed</font id="black"> <font color="green">TyMBR</font id="green">
    </font id="size1">
  • Mark Alexander
    Mark Alexander Posts: 2,277
    well done[8D]

    my elephant has more memory than my PC

    10TT 24:36 25TT: 57:59 50TT: 2:08:11, 100TT: 4:30:05 12hr 204.... unfinished business
  • PaulMc
    PaulMc Posts: 2
    Ratty2k, there are plenty of quiet minor roads south of Warrington, around Comberbach, Arley, Great Budworth etc or around Delamere. Its easy to put in the miles without really going far from home.

    I too am just getting back into road biking as a way of getting in the miles as I don't seem to have the time to mountainbike at teh moment, and hate having to drive somewhere midweek for a qick spin. Decided to leave my 22 year old Peugeot in the attic and by a nice new, and much more comfortable, Schwinn.

    Must say that I am also quite enjoying the road rides in there own right, after a break of over fifteen years. Haven't invested in a computer yet, but I guess that will come soon.
  • PaulMc
    PaulMc Posts: 2
    Must remember to read what I type before posting.
  • I did my first 50 miler today, well actually it ended up at around 60 miles, as we got lost! Have to say though, that after about 40 miles i had completely run out of steam and was running on empty, all of the hills after a certain point were largely walked up (well limped up, as my bad ankle was killing me). I did, however, make sure i cooled down afterwards, or else i would be properly seized up in my thighs. In the end it took about 6 hours with 2 hours of stoppage for lunch/coffee/a lemonade. So, 60 miles in 4 hours is fine by me. Not sure i shall do one again anytime soon though.

    I have a bike; she's called Fran. I enjoy her company.
    I have a bike; she\'s called Fran. I enjoy her company.
  • webbhost
    webbhost Posts: 470
    Well done on your 50 miler, i too am impressed (particually at your average speed). Do you have alot of hills down your area?

    I managed to hit the 17 mph mark avearge the other day on a short run - nothing compared to doing it for 50 miles through?

    Most i have done so far is 34 miles... but i also do a 10 mile run ... im thinking of doing a 10 miler run, past my house onto the 34 miler, then back past my house to do naother 10 miler to get a 50 mile mark.. Should be intersting.

    Conglats, be sure to post on this thread what your score and AVG speed is the second time you do this (if you do it!) I like seeing results improving... Im always trying to beat my track time on specific routes, and 9 times out of 10 i usually can by a few seconds or so!
  • <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by PaulMc</i>

    Ratty2k, there are plenty of quiet minor roads south of Warrington, around Comberbach, Arley, Great Budworth etc or around Delamere. Its easy to put in the miles without really going far from home.

    I too am just getting back into road biking as a way of getting in the miles as I don't seem to have the time to mountainbike at teh moment, and hate having to drive somewhere midweek for a qick spin. Decided to leave my 22 year old Peugeot in the attic and by a nice new, and much more comfortable, Schwinn.

    Must say that I am also quite enjoying the road rides in there own right, after a break of over fifteen years. Haven't invested in a computer yet, but I guess that will come soon.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Yep, got to agree with you there. Problem is its that long since I last rode them, I've forgot most of them.....
    Good to see other people doing and pretty much feeling the same as me on completing their first 50!
    webhost, there will be more 50's. I've mentioned in my other thread about a 100 miler for charity in September. Gotta get a better saddle tho'
    The one fitted is from my Scott MTB, and I thought of it as nearly comfy on the fully suspended bike. A numb er, old chap says otherwise! So looks like a new Specialized BG saddle comming up- I've had one before so know what to get...

    My roadie- ... 513&size=o

    my pics-
  • Gary D
    Gary D Posts: 431
    Well done ratty2k!!

    That is a very, very respectable time and av. speed.

    I did my first 50 last week and was nowhere near that speed. Don't think I've managed that even on shorter 20 milers.

    I know exactly what you mean about the last few miles though. What were "slight inclines" before suddenly become steep mountains and result in having to resort to granny and the bigger rear sprockets!!

    I am looking forward to my next 50. I shall probably do exactly the same route again to see how much of an improvement there is.


    PS How old are you if I may be so bold?

    Must try harder....
    Oh and I feel like I've been raped by an Orangutan :shock: And I've got legs like Girders :lol:
  • steve23
    steve23 Posts: 2,202
    i will agree with PaulMc, Delamere is awesome riding!!! i love the lanes around there, always brilliant fun!

    If You Can't Cut It With The Big Dogs, Then Don't Pi$$ Up The Tall Trees!
    You Know It!
    If You Can't Cut It With The Big Dogs, Then Don't Pi$$ Up The Tall Trees!
  • Not A Clue
    Not A Clue Posts: 15
    Well done ratty! I can't wait to start racking up the miles. I think my first hurdle will be 20. I don't think I will try a keep pace with you, I'm a very slow and steady sort of person.

    Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again" -- Picard (The Inner Light)
    Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again" -- Picard (The Inner Light)
  • Age is 37 Gary D. I have a couple of mates who live down Delamere way, going to have a ride round with them one evening and try an plan a route....

    My roadie- ... 513&size=o

    my pics-
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    With the mention of Delamere, a host of memories come flooding back. One thing that we tried many years ago was - from Frodsham and just before the right turn to Hatchmere, pedal down the switchback as fast as possible and try to freewheel up the other side. I almost done it a few times but not quite!

    Ex-XXL weigh-in 26/27 May: Update published: Monday 28 May
  • <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Not A Clue</i>

    Well done ratty! I can't wait to start racking up the miles. I think my first hurdle will be 20. I don't think I will try a keep pace with you, I'm a very slow and steady sort of person.

    Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again" -- Picard (The Inner Light)
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    But, you will get quicker! I remember when I first started back riding again,<s>very</s> hugely unfit (Not joking either 20+ st) and rode into work for the first time- flat roads and a very hilly canal towpath[:D] I just couldn't ride back. I did manage to scav a lift home with the bike in the boot tho' so was pretty lucky. Now at just over 16st, I'm vastly fitter than I used to be, with more improvement to come! 20's will seem easy soon and then 30's...... 50 was a big step for me, promised myself from last Tuesdays 32 miler that Saturday was the day and it was! Going MTB'ing on Rivi pike tuesday evening and then want to get another 25-30 miler on the roads after that as well as the commute!

    Keep going all that findthemselves looking and gulping at the prospect of their first 10, 20, 30 whatever you will succeed- I'm living proof![:p]

    Mr Hippo, gonna have to try that!

    My roadie- ... 513&size=o

    my pics-
  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    Well done that man, glad you've ditched the plastic brake levers, I did and was amazed at the difference. As to Delamere Forest, that brings back a lot of happy memories way back in the early 60s when I lived in Lymn.
    Eat and drink and your next goal will come easily.

    He who spins lasts longest

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace
  • joshw
    joshw Posts: 55
    Wow I'm lucky to get 13mph average speed for 50 miles.

    Although I do live in the Peak District...[:D]