Carlton Kirby



  • effillo
    effillo Posts: 257
    Anyone watching 6day Ghent? Aside from the amount of times he has said 'in the house' did anyone hear CK refer to the women's race as 'an interlude for the fans'? Couldn't believe he would say something like that, so demeaning. It's exactly attitudes like this that is holding women's cycling back at the moment.
  • Yes, I've been watching it. This insufferable cretin made it almost unbearable at times; even his co-commentator Tony Gibb asked him to "please stop" on a number of occasions.
  • He's a buffoon. An extremely poor broadcaster. The most irritating commentator I've heard in any sport.

    I have to mute the telly if he's working on a race. And I would always choose ITV over Eurosport if both are showing a race.

    I'm amazed that Eurosport continue to hire him even though he's obviously so incompetent at his job.
  • Italian / Belgian coverage via apple tv and a vpn client is the easiest way I have found. I'm sure there are others but to get away from Kirby and to a lesser extent from Millar it is well worth it.
  • On a positive note. I love Sir Tony Gibb MBE.
  • Sorry , I have to disagree.
    I have been a sports fan, (you name it and I will watch it) for 50 years and as a commentator this guy is well up there .
    Maybee not the best but very good.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 73,307
    Get out.

    Who are you, Trump?
  • If you haven't got the remotest clue what is happening, Kirby might sound like he knows what is going on but if you have even the slightest clue and are paying attention, the chances are that you understand more of what is happening than he does, and his commentary only confuses things.
  • These days, not only is his commentary unbearable, he seems to have made himself the unofficial health and safety mouthpiece of the peloton.
    If he's not endlessly wittering on about the proximity of the camera bike, it's the extremely dangerous (average) roundabout run in.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 73,307
    If he's not endlessly wittering on about the proximity of the camera bike,

    This is particularly droll, given Kirby's inability to recognise riders.
  • Even if he offered some valuable insight into the sport his delivery of that information would still be a disgrace.

    He repeats the same irritating phrases again and again and again and again...

    "As you can see....blah you can see....blah blah"
    "98k's to go....blah blah....96k's to go....blah blah.....95k's to go.....blah blah"
    "Rider ABC in the house"
    Plus many more other stock phrases that he churns out every minute or two.

    And his infuriating chuckling at his own pathetic unfunny jokes.

    How can a pro commentator have such a lack of awareness of their own poor delivery.

    He is dire.
  • sherer
    sherer Posts: 2,460
    effillo wrote:
    Anyone watching 6day Ghent? Aside from the amount of times he has said 'in the house' did anyone hear CK refer to the women's race as 'an interlude for the fans'? Couldn't believe he would say something like that, so demeaning. It's exactly attitudes like this that is holding women's cycling back at the moment.

    I found m him quite racing during La Vuelta with his fake Spanish accent, think it was meant to be funny but just came across as offensive.

    I'd suggest you send a tweet to Eurosport, although they never replied to mine at least it made them aware of the issue
  • sherer wrote:
    effillo wrote:
    Anyone watching 6day Ghent? Aside from the amount of times he has said 'in the house' did anyone hear CK refer to the women's race as 'an interlude for the fans'? Couldn't believe he would say something like that, so demeaning. It's exactly attitudes like this that is holding women's cycling back at the moment.

    I found m him quite racing during La Vuelta with his fake Spanish accent, think it was meant to be funny but just came across as offensive.

    I'd suggest you send a tweet to Eurosport, although they never replied to mine at least it made them aware of the issue

    Kirby was racing the Vuelta? Blimey, missed that ;-)

    Might make him a bit more familiar with some of the Peloton I suppose.... On the plus side the race would explode from the Gun every day as 197 other guys would be desperate to get away from his inane chat.
  • sherer
    sherer Posts: 2,460
    must learn to proof read what im typing. Dangers of starting to update something then going away and coming back to it.

    Meant commentating on the Vuelta
  • sherer wrote:
    effillo wrote:
    Anyone watching 6day Ghent? Aside from the amount of times he has said 'in the house' did anyone hear CK refer to the women's race as 'an interlude for the fans'? Couldn't believe he would say something like that, so demeaning. It's exactly attitudes like this that is holding women's cycling back at the moment.

    I found m him quite racing during La Vuelta with his fake Spanish accent, think it was meant to be funny but just came across as offensive.

    I'd suggest you send a tweet to Eurosport, although they never replied to mine at least it made them aware of the issue

    Kirby was racing the Vuelta? Blimey, missed that ;-)

    Might make him a bit more familiar with some of the Peloton I suppose.... On the plus side the race would explode from the Gun every day as 197 other guys would be desperate to get away from his inane chat.

    No worries - I got that, was just being mischievous.

    And you're right - he is in danger of falling into the 'well it was alright to say this in the 70s' camp on occasions. Plus he diminishes rather than enhances the viewers experience (for me anyway) so I'd be more than happy if Eurosport got rid.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 73,307
    Who's up for a 'more Rob Hatch' twitter campaign?

    Needs to reach some kind of critical mass somehow. Worth a shot I guess.
  • In 1986, I can remember listening to the sports news on RTE Radio 1 at 8.35 am each morning for an update on how Sean Kelly was doing on the previous day's stage at that year's Vuelta. Regardless of whether he won a stage or not, that was the only outlet supplying a race-update to the avid cycling fan. No race update or footage on that evening's news bulletin on Irish TV.

    Jump forward to 2016 and we have extensive footage available with the boring flat stages getting at least two hours of live TV coverage each day and many of the big mountain stages getting full coverage from roll-out to finish line! :D You have to look fairly hard now to find a race on the calendar that isn't featured in Eurosport's or some other channel's race line-up.

    Regardless of whether Carlton Kirby is a great cycling commentator or not, I have seen both extremes of coverage of cycling and I, for one, will never complain about having to watch Eurosport coverage and listen to Carlton and whoever is commentating with him. Even when he does produce some gaff or other, I just think back to the 1986 Vuelta and I realise how lucky we are. We have never had it so good.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I disagree.

    With ALL things - just because we have something now that we didn't before, doesn't mean it can be shyte and we should be grateful for it anyway.

    Cycling provision in cities and offices is one of them!
  • In 1986, I can remember listening to the sports news on RTE Radio 1 at 8.35 am each morning for an update on how Sean Kelly was doing on the previous day's stage at that year's Vuelta. Regardless of whether he won a stage or not, that was the only outlet supplying a race-update to the avid cycling fan. No race update or footage on that evening's news bulletin on Irish TV.

    Jump forward to 2016 and we have extensive footage available with the boring flat stages getting at least two hours of live TV coverage each day and many of the big mountain stages getting full coverage from roll-out to finish line! :D You have to look fairly hard now to find a race on the calendar that isn't featured in Eurosport's or some other channel's race line-up.

    Regardless of whether Carlton Kirby is a great cycling commentator or not, I have seen both extremes of coverage of cycling and I, for one, will never complain about having to watch Eurosport coverage and listen to Carlton and whoever is commentating with him. Even when he does produce some gaff or other, I just think back to the 1986 Vuelta and I realise how lucky we are. We have never had it so good.


    'But you know, we were happy in those days, though we were poor.

    Aye. BECAUSE we were poor. My old Dad used to say to me, "Money doesn't buy you happiness."

    'E was right. I was happier then and I had NOTHIN'. We used to live in this tiiiny old house, with greaaaaat big holes in the roof.

    House? You were lucky to have a HOUSE! We used to live in one room, all hundred and twenty-six of us, no furniture. Half the floor was missing; we were all huddled together in one corner for fear of FALLING!

    You were lucky to have a ROOM! *We* used to have to live in a corridor!'

    etc etc
  • I guess I shouldn't have disagreed with the general vibe of this thread. You have my apology.


    Note to self: Always agree with what the crowd is thinking and saying. Never, ever, think for yourself. :lol:
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,187
    I guess I shouldn't have disagreed with the general vibe of this thread. You have my apology.


    Note to self: Always agree with what the crowd is thinking and saying. Never, ever, think for yourself. :lol:
    I agree with you. I was watching in the 80s.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • I guess I shouldn't have disagreed with the general vibe of this thread. You have my apology.


    Note to self: Always agree with what the crowd is thinking and saying. Never, ever, think for yourself. :lol:

    No..I mean, no means no :wink:
  • RichN95 wrote:
    I guess I shouldn't have disagreed with the general vibe of this thread. You have my apology.


    Note to self: Always agree with what the crowd is thinking and saying. Never, ever, think for yourself. :lol:
    I agree with you. I was watching in the 80s.

    Reads like a couple of current Smart for Two owners, who used to drive Austin Allegros, back in the day.
    7 hours a day, every day for 3 weeks of Cartoon Kirby, come next years Tour?
    I'd rather walk.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,187
    RichN95 wrote:
    I guess I shouldn't have disagreed with the general vibe of this thread. You have my apology.


    Note to self: Always agree with what the crowd is thinking and saying. Never, ever, think for yourself. :lol:
    I agree with you. I was watching in the 80s.

    Reads like a couple of current Smart for Two owners, who used to drive Austin Allegros, back in the day.
    7 hours a day, every day for 3 weeks of Cartoon Kirby, come next years Tour?
    I'd rather walk.
    Things I have: a job, ITV4
    Things I don't have: a driving licence

    (Smart cars make sense if you have to park in certain parts of Cardiff)
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • salsiccia1
    salsiccia1 Posts: 3,725
    RichN95 wrote:
    (Armoured cars make sense if you have to park in certain parts of Cardiff)

    It's only a bit of sport, Mun. Relax and enjoy the racing.
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 13,466
    RichN95 wrote:
    I guess I shouldn't have disagreed with the general vibe of this thread. You have my apology.


    Note to self: Always agree with what the crowd is thinking and saying. Never, ever, think for yourself. :lol:
    I agree with you. I was watching in the 80s.

    Reads like a couple of current Smart for Two owners, who used to drive Austin Allegros, back in the day.
    7 hours a day, every day for 3 weeks of Cartoon Kirby, come next years Tour?
    I'd rather walk.

    I agree with the Allegro drivers.

    But then I moved to Denmark, so I get Rølf Sørensen doing actual tactical race analysis, real-time, instead of loudly shouting the names of riders that may not even be in the race and getting over-excited.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format
  • Personally its a bit like the old blooper reels..he's worth watching to see what he comes out with!
    Joking aside, yes, he can get a bit giddy, but I have to say , give me unbridled enthusiasm over jaded ex pro banal "insight"
    How many different ways can SK describe the "selection" oh hold on...just the one, its only insight until you are aware of what is taking place, or do thy assume everyone is just watching for the very 1st time!!!
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    RichN95 wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:
    I guess I shouldn't have disagreed with the general vibe of this thread. You have my apology.


    Note to self: Always agree with what the crowd is thinking and saying. Never, ever, think for yourself. :lol:
    I agree with you. I was watching in the 80s.

    Reads like a couple of current Smart for Two owners, who used to drive Austin Allegros, back in the day.
    7 hours a day, every day for 3 weeks of Cartoon Kirby, come next years Tour?
    I'd rather walk.
    Things I have: a job, ITV4
    Things I don't have: a driving licence

    (Smart cars make sense if you have to park in certain parts of Cardiff)

    How can you not have a driving licence? That's bizarre.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,187
    Joelsim wrote:
    How can you not have a driving licence? That's bizarre.
    I used to. But then I got a ban for accumulating rather a lot of points & sold the the car which was on it's last legs. I never really got around to reapplying for it. That was thirteen years ago.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • TheBigBean
    TheBigBean Posts: 20,822
    Joelsim wrote:
    How can you not have a driving licence? That's bizarre.

    It's really not that odd. I have a licence and have driven a car for two days in the last 10 years.