Gravel frameset recommendation
I've currently got a Canyon Grail AL with 2 x 12 GRX and which is fine, but fancy a nicer frameset so I'm looking at options to replace the frameset and swap the components over. bike to be used for commuting with panniers and general riding
I've got a few other bikes in the quiver - (Cervelo C3, Santa Crux Hightower MTB and Heckler EMTB) a Kona Paddy wagon fixed gear and a Cervelo P5)
any suggestions for a reasonable performance carbon gravel frameset - at reasonable cost?,
ive got a Tailfin rack and panniers as my Grail AL didn't have pannier mounts, but would ideally have settled for regular pannier mounts and guard capability.
ive found a link to a chinese carbon frame
thoughts and suggestions?
The Chinese gravel fraemset that gets a lot of good feedback over on Weight Weenies is the Tideace Noah. If you have a look on the gravel sections there you'll find a long thread about it.