The big advertising thread



  • cruff
    cruff Posts: 1,518
    Cruff wrote:
    Sorry to say that I enabled **Nobody likes ads but they pay for the site so please have the class not to whine about them** Plus on BR website ages ago after the site repeatedly became unusable for weeks at a time. Doesn't affect me as badly on mobile though, if that helps.
    I've just seen this. Whilst obviously ads pay for the site and, without ads, there is no site - it's a bit lairy to put a text replace in here that changes 'a d b l o c k' to that, isn't it? because, to be honest, if it's a toss-up between not bothering with BikeRadar at all, and using software to stop my machine getting rinsed by Malware, you can probably guess which one I'm going to use... :?
    Fat chopper. Some racing. Some testing. Some crashing.
    Specialising in Git Daaahns and Cafs. Norvern Munkey/Transplanted Laaandoner.
  • Mattcee
    Mattcee Posts: 148
    Cruff wrote:
    I've just seen this. Whilst obviously ads pay for the site and, without ads, there is no site - it's a bit lairy to put a text replace in here that changes 'a d b l o c k' to that, isn't it? because, to be honest, if it's a toss-up between not bothering with BikeRadar at all, and using software to stop my machine getting rinsed by Malware, you can probably guess which one I'm going to use... :?

    If using Chrome (and possibly FF) on desktop, you can choose which settings to allow/ask or disallow per site/domain.
    Disabling java will stop any 'you must disable ......... to view this site' notifications and the site should work as normal :wink:
  • cruff
    cruff Posts: 1,518
    Mattcee wrote:

    If using Chrome (and possibly FF) on desktop, you can choose which settings to allow/ask or disallow per site/domain.
    Disabling java will stop any 'you must disable ......... to view this site' notifications and the site should work as normal :wink:
    Cheers Matt

    Already did that a while ago, but still got the annoying ads that scroll all over the screen when you're trying to read - if they've been blocked I'm happy to change the settings
    Fat chopper. Some racing. Some testing. Some crashing.
    Specialising in Git Daaahns and Cafs. Norvern Munkey/Transplanted Laaandoner.
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,219
    Just had a "take 5 to stop fruad" advert cover the bottom half of the homepage (so you could only see the top banner ad). Clicked the close button and it just went to the bottom of the page, covering up the bottom 25%.

    I tried right clicking to "copy link address" to past here but the option wasn't there.
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,219
    Similar one just now: ixy0p0.jpg When you put your mouse over the banner, to close it just makes it big again.
    Clicking on it goes to: but that's probably not much help
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I appreciate that ads pay ...but why so many inappropriate ads ?

    Have treated myself to a spangly new MacBook for chrimbo and installed an app to block them and so far and it has blocked 24 ads on one page alone !!!! and thats just on the log in page !
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    why , when I type A*d*b*B*L*OC*K*E*R do I get something completely different appearing on my post...

    SEE BELOW - I will type the above without spaces;/ stars - ( See what I get !! - WHY ?? )

  • wolfsbane2k
    wolfsbane2k Posts: 3,056
    joshjevans wrote:
    Thanks, have passed these on to get blocked.

    Still getting rgshark redirects. 3 today
    Intent on Cycling Commuting on a budget, but keep on breaking/crashing/finding nice stuff to buy.
    Bike 1 (Broken) - Bike 2(Borked) - Bike 3(broken spokes) - Bike 4( Needs Work) - Bike 5 (in bits) - Bike 6* ...
  • 964cup
    964cup Posts: 1,362
    Oh look, you've grown one of those "we notice you're adblocking" modal pop-ups. Shame. I liked your website, but shan't be using it any more. Perhaps you (and, frankly, everyone else) should think about offering a subscription option, or a micro-payment system. Ads are intrusive, irritating and, as delivered on the internet, an unacceptable breach of privacy. I don't mind paying for good content, but the global online ad industry is a festering swamp of repellent vermin who don't need encouraging.
  • 964cup
    964cup Posts: 1,362
    Class? Eff off. Have the class to run a proper publication, then, and offer an ad-free paid subscription. And no, I'm not wasting 30 seconds of my life every 12 hours to watch some pointless video shill.
  • Unfortunately I've stopped coming to this web site apart from a few occasions due to the constant adverts, don't mind a few but has got ridiculous.
    I know the web site needs ads to support it but in the end i suspect that more and more will leave this (and other sites) due to the continued bombardment of advertising be it related to the subject or unrelated (they are even more annoying).
    There needs to be a balance between the web site, adverts and the end user, at the moment i feel the ads are to intrusive.
    If this keeps on going the way i suspect then the website will get less and less readers. Wonder how many people actually click the links in the ads for M&S, BMW cars etc.
    Me i'm waiting / looking to see if anyone comes up with an ad blocker that isn't detected or can bypass the "we noticed you have an add blocker enabled"
  • navrig2
    navrig2 Posts: 1,851
    My work laptop was rebuilt and when I started coming here the pages were really jumpy and slow. It was quite frustrating until I remembered I had previously use a blocker. I activated it again and all seems much slicker and much less frustrating. Thankfully I don't get the "please don't use an **blocker...." pop up. Presumably my employer has configured our machines to block pop-ups.
  • wolfsbane2k
    wolfsbane2k Posts: 3,056
    Pretty sure that advertising a Cannabis Growing rig is illegal, right?
    Intent on Cycling Commuting on a budget, but keep on breaking/crashing/finding nice stuff to buy.
    Bike 1 (Broken) - Bike 2(Borked) - Bike 3(broken spokes) - Bike 4( Needs Work) - Bike 5 (in bits) - Bike 6* ...
  • When the website is not responsive or the scroll jumping, there is often a large popup advert displayed with no means of closing it. This is particularly a problem on tablets.

    Really why should we have to tell you about issues which you should be testing yourself if you want to retain your readership. If showing adverts and pissing off your readership is your priority - carry on.
  • warpcow
    warpcow Posts: 1,448
    Piz Buin ad via Criteo autoplays sound every time I scroll past.
  • navrig2
    navrig2 Posts: 1,851
    It's doing it again. Adverts loading and moving the page down are causing missed clicks. Right royal PITA. Especially as it forced me into the MTB area with the great unwashed.
  • cruff
    cruff Posts: 1,518
    Navrig2 wrote:
    It's doing it again. Adverts loading and moving the page down are causing missed clicks. Right royal PITA. Especially as it forced me into the MTB area with the great unwashed.
    Yeah. This was driving me nuts. So I enabled ABP again until it goes away. It's counter-productive making ads intrusive, all it does is drive views AWAY from a site
    Fat chopper. Some racing. Some testing. Some crashing.
    Specialising in Git Daaahns and Cafs. Norvern Munkey/Transplanted Laaandoner.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    I’m not sure whether this is an appropriate place to air my problem but here goes...

    Immediate Media are placing their splash banner when I enter the site on my iPad. So I turn off all the options and proceed. And after a week or so it is back and I have to confirm my options again in order to get in. And again and again week after week. I have moaned to them on their site but they do not seem to grasp what I am on about. Am I being over sensitive or am I missing something obvious? Surely if I don’t want my data to be shared then that should be my choice? And I’m not going to change my mind...

    It seems to me that companies are paying lip service to data protection laws by making it so flippin difficult to opt out that people tend opt in by default
  • surrey_commuter
    surrey_commuter Posts: 18,867
    It is of dubious legality to carry an ad aimed at private investors suggesting a 20% return and it is definitely against the spirit of ASA codes and regulations.

    From a moral point of view you should not be accepting money to put this in front of your visitors.

  • shirley_basso
    shirley_basso Posts: 6,195
    That's not how adverts work.

    Ad supply is outsourced to the people who put cookies on your computer.
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    This Vodafone ad... are you kidding me!?

    Bikes: Donhou DSS4 Custom | Condor Italia RC | Gios Megalite | Dolan Preffisio | Giant Bowery '76
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,508
    Bit much?

    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!