WTF! Photo thread



  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,196
    I always ride my bike directly into the bathroom as well

    Inspiration for the lookalike thread there
  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406
    You scoff but I wash my bike in the shower. We have a wet room and it fits no problem. It's far easier than doing it outside.
    Correlation is not causation.
  • salsiccia1
    salsiccia1 Posts: 3,725
    What is this washing bikes that you speak of?
    It's only a bit of sport, Mun. Relax and enjoy the racing.
  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406
    Salsiccia1 wrote:
    What is this washing bikes that you speak of?

    It's what I do before taking my bike for a yearly MOT so the tall men in the shop don't tell me off.
    Correlation is not causation.
  • Lanterne_Rogue
    Lanterne_Rogue Posts: 4,091
    Salsiccia1 wrote:
    What is this washing bikes that you speak of?

    It's what I do before taking my bike for a yearly MOT so the tall men in the shop don't tell me off.

    The bike shop I use has a surcharge for dirty bikes, albeit I only use them these days for truing wheels (I'm told the technical term for my efforts is a hyperbolic paraboloid) so my bikes are generally now covered in a healthy, life-sustaining coat of muck. If cleaning your bike hasn't become mind-numbingly tedious yet then you aren't riding it enough.

    I'm still not sure I'd be taking a bike into the shower with me though. I've only just got over the excitement of being able to take just one bottle in with me.