Today is Thursday...

thekickingmule Posts: 7,957
edited October 2015 in The Crudcatcher
Morning Losers!

Still have a sore throat, I really need this to go away as I need my voice to be back to full strength very soon!

Today my minion is off on some annual leave, so I'm by myself again. I don't mind really as it's quiet at work, and it means I don't have to talk much.

Climbing tonight, where I get to test out my new harness and belay. Should be fun!

It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
Blender Cube AMS Pro


  • kinioo
    kinioo Posts: 776
    Morning Ladies,

    Yes, it is Thursday, getting there....

    KMD training last night went quite well.

    Discovered yesterday that my rear wheel is leaking and needed to put an inner tube for tonight ride out !!

    Office time now - need to catch up with few reports here.

    Have a nice one chaps !!

  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,301
    Today is my Monday and it certainly feels that way :(

    Good swim this morning, then using a car wash for the first ever time, hate them, but if fleet swop my car the day I return from holiday, what the funk do they expect? I guess they will get their revenge in the car selection!
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,955
    Monging all,
    So today really is Thursday rather than just feeling like it. Well, I have the traditional Thursday mild hangover for the second time this week. Fairly quiet in the boozer last night though, the change in seasons seems to have sent the prosecco set into hiding. I'm sure they'll be back in December.
    Not much going on in here, Late October is always quiet, it won't get much better until March. Need to get out and see more customers whilst it's quiet. Decided I'm going to bunk off and go to the classic car show at the NEC to see people next month. Haven't been for a few years so I should go along and get my cynicism topped up.
    Why isn't it Fryday yet?
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • ste_t
    ste_t Posts: 1,599
    Morning fools,

    Had an employee turn up for work still pissed a couple of Saturdays ago. Entrusted chief minion to carry out disciplinary meeting. He avoided sending the me the minutes but they were handed to me by somebody else last night. Outcome of the meeting? 'told she could be promoted in a few months.'

    Chief minion is clearly mental and is in serious danger when I see him later today
  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    Is she fit?
  • ste_t
    ste_t Posts: 1,599
    She was drunk at 8.30am.

    Looks aren't important
  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    Good girl, and they are.
  • y2keable
    y2keable Posts: 349
    <hr noshade size="1"><font face="Book Antiqua"><b><font color="black">Crash, </font id="black"><font color="blue">get up. </font id="blue"><font color="black"> Crash, </font id="black"><font color="blue">get up. </font id="blue"><font color="black"> Crash, </font id="black"><font color="blue">get up. </font id="blue"><font color="black"> Crash, stay down. </font id="black"><font color="red"> Embrase pain.</font id="red"></b></font id="Book Antiqua">
    <hr noshade size="1">
    [:D] Paying close attention to my mental hygeine. [:D]
  • ste_t
    ste_t Posts: 1,599


    When you're gunning for a lass who is drunk at breakfast, clearly looks aren't your main priority
  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    But it can be the only way she got herself out of that tight hole.
  • y2keable
    y2keable Posts: 349
    If she's drunk and fit, I'd hit that.

    You have a lock on your office door and blinds on the window, right?
    <hr noshade size="1"><font face="Book Antiqua"><b><font color="black">Crash, </font id="black"><font color="blue">get up. </font id="blue"><font color="black"> Crash, </font id="black"><font color="blue">get up. </font id="blue"><font color="black"> Crash, </font id="black"><font color="blue">get up. </font id="blue"><font color="black"> Crash, stay down. </font id="black"><font color="red"> Embrase pain.</font id="red"></b></font id="Book Antiqua">
    <hr noshade size="1">
    [:D] Paying close attention to my mental hygeine. [:D]
  • bg13
    bg13 Posts: 4,598
    Morning fools,

    Had an employee turn up for work still pissed a couple of Saturdays ago. Entrusted chief minion to carry out disciplinary meeting. He avoided sending the me the minutes but they were handed to me by somebody else last night. Outcome of the meeting? 'told she could be promoted in a few months.'

    Chief minion is clearly mental and is in serious danger when I see him later today

    In the early days of my career being pissed at breakfast at work was definitely a promotable offence, we used to get told to find somewhere to hide for a few hours while the lads covered for you. The grown up telling you to hide was usually worse than you!

    Anyhoo, hola wenches.

    Put my chain saw together but am slightly reticent about using it as i may kill myself dead with it! The petrol hedge trimmer and brush cutter got a decent workout though. Found a couple of paths that have been hidden for many years!
    Quick beer post graft and its shower and scoff time.......hurrah!

    Loving life in rural SW France

    Orange 5 Pro
    Ribble Audax
    On One Scandal 29er
  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    Kill the French, not yourself.
  • bg13
    bg13 Posts: 4,598
    Kill the French, not yourself.

    If i survive the test run of the chainsaw they'd better watch their derrieres!
    Loving life in rural SW France

    Orange 5 Pro
    Ribble Audax
    On One Scandal 29er
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,511
    Today is my Monday and it certainly feels that way :(

    Good swim this morning, then using a car wash for the first ever time, hate them, but if fleet swop my car the day I return from holiday, what the funk do they expect? I guess they will get their revenge in the car selection!
    Funny that cos today is my Friday :)

    On the train home with a large drink waiting for me later when strifey and stropteen are out. The hound won't mind me drinking anyway. Tomorrow is uncharted territory but may get my kit ready for next weeks uplift.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]