Cant get HRM to pair with my Garmin?

Rigga Posts: 939
edited August 2015 in Workshop
Hi, all I've just got a (albeit) second hand Garmin hrm from eBay and my Garmin edge 800 isn't pairing with it? Its the Garmin premium one and the guy seems to be off loading a few on eBay so maybe some are faulty? I've put a new battery in it, turned on the heart rate monitor on the edge, tried rescanning etc but nothing, it just doesn't see it? Fwiw I'm using a polar soft strap which came recommended instead of the Garmin one. Is there anything I'm missing?
I've messaged the guy on eBay but so far no response.

Cheers Rigga


  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Your heart has to be beating for it to work :lol:
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    Yes, the sensor does not transmit unless it is reading a heart beat. IME the strap won't read your (non-exercising) heart beat unless you give it a bit of help with some electrolyte (e.g. water).
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}
  • Rigga
    Rigga Posts: 939
    The Garmin won't even pair up with the hrm in the first place, I.e. it just doesn't recognise it. Doesn't it need to pair up with it first before it starts reading my heart beat?
  • The Garmin won't even pair up with the hrm in the first place, I.e. it just doesn't recognise it. Doesn't it need to pair up with it first before it starts reading my heart beat?

    Are you wearing it before you try to pair it? The HRM itself won't even switch on and start transmitting until it registers a heart beat.
  • harry-s
    harry-s Posts: 295
    I bought a recon one a few years ago from a guy on e-bay who also was offloading some, and it didn't work. To be fair, he exchanged it straight away, and the replacement was good. Maybe it's the same guy/supplier, - ask for an exchange?
  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    Plug your garmin in and ensure latest firmware is in.
    Deactivate HR sensor setting on Garmin.
    Put HR strap on (heh, strap on)
    Turn HR monitor settin ON on the garmin and it should scan.

    I had EXACTLY the same problem as you (changed to a polar strap) and it worked.
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    The sensor does not transmit at all unless it is reading a heart beat, or it would consume the battery in no time. So to pair it up yes, you have to be wearing it and yes, it might need a bit of help on dry skin.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}
  • Rigga
    Rigga Posts: 939
    Yes I am wearing it whilst I'm trying to pair it, the Garmin firmware update may be an idea, I have been wetting the strap a bit too. I'll have another look, cheers for the replies. :wink:
  • Rigga
    Rigga Posts: 939
    Nope doesn't want to play, garmin firmware 2.70 which I think is latest? Tried all the above but nothing. Looks like I bought a pup :roll:
    Anybody wanna buy a hrm?
    (still no reply from the seller either!)
  • dgunthor
    dgunthor Posts: 644
    checked the battery in the HRM strap is ok?
  • Rigga
    Rigga Posts: 939
    checked the battery in the HRM strap is ok?

    Yes I put a new battery in it.
  • Rigga
    Rigga Posts: 939
    Well the seller has been in touch and is sending me another today so happy days.
  • Have you been able to pair any HRM with it?

    I ask because when I first got my Garmin I thought my HRM was faulty too because I was going into the bike settings and then searching for devices and it didn't pick up the HRM. But it turns out it was from an entirely different menu (I forget which now).