Do you use studs in your shoes?

rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
edited November 2014 in Cyclocross
I'm only on my 3rd novice race and I'm not sure if I should be using these. I've just screwed them in but wondered before my next race if these are used as standard or not? Is there such a thing as too much traction when running??


  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,191
    I don't know if there is a thing as too much traction, but there is definitely a thing as too little traction.

    I use them on any course with a steep run up, as having that ability to get grip when running up a hill in muddy conditions is definitely worth it.
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    Ok, great! Wondered if they meant people got too bogged down or something!
  • As Andyp says, a definite for steep run ups. The only times I'd use small studs or none at all would be rock hard courses in summer or a concrete path where you had to hurdle barriers (I have to say I've never seen the latter but this is only my second season)
  • Can studs be used for most shoes? I've got some Specialized MTB shoes, and if I could stud them that would be awesome!
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    Mine stay in for the whole season; only downsides I can think of are:
    1. Running up concrete steps could be tricky (not seen on your average course, but I heard they had them at Alexandra Palace a few years ago)
    2. They occasionally catch during a dodgy clip-in. All the more reason to leave them on all the time, and get used to them being there

    I do keep a stud removal tool in the kitbag, just in case I find myself at a course with concrete steps.
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • mikpem
    mikpem Posts: 139
    I turned up at my race on Sunday and nipped over to the nearby Sports Direct for some cheap football studs and I'm so glad I did. I would say it was 50/50 cycling-running and without the studs I'd have been all over the place!

    Based on that experience I've realised that there were a couple of races this year where I'd have benefited from studs but it's probably best to judge each race accordingly. This is my second season and has been the first time I really needed them... last year was very dry!