Loud Aaaaaargh noise

Greenbeetle Posts: 70
edited April 2014 in Workshop
This is a sort of sawing or roaring noise when I coast in the smallest three sprockets (highest gears) on the cassette. Often it comes on after a few seconds of normal free-wheel sound. It sounds louder still if I back-pedal. I can feel the vibration through the entire bike.

The wheel is a Ksyrium Elite that's less than a year old, but the cassette and chain are eighteen months old and have done nearly 4000 miles now.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? I'm not sure what to look for.



  • peteone
    peteone Posts: 152
    Does it only happen over a certain speed?

    Sounds like freehub needs a service, quite a common problem with these.

    Cervelo R3
    Giant TCR SL
    Ibis Tranny
  • I suppose it does... I tend to be coasting downhill in those gears... but as I slow, so it quietens down.

    The service looks pretty straightforward. I'll give it a go. Thanks!
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Google Mavic death squeal. Well known for it, but it's not as serious as it sounds. There's a plastic bushing that needs replacing.
  • robbo2011
    robbo2011 Posts: 1,017
    You are recommended to service them every 1000 miles or so to ensure long life. However, last time I left mine for over 2000 miles between servicing and it was perfect, no wear and sufficient oil was still present.
  • Hmm. 1500 miles on these, but not through the winter. No pressure-washing, rarely started a ride in the rain, no jumping off roofs... Having removed the cassette, I see they don't match the youtube videos.
  • Completely filthy in there it was. Oily black dust. Hopefully I've caught it in time.
  • Ibis2k14
    Ibis2k14 Posts: 25
    Honestly, from the title of the topic I thought the message would be something like:"When I run over kids and old people they make an:"Aaaaargh" sound, how can I fix that?".

    Well, part of me was relieved, part of me was disappointed.
  • Yers. I may have over-sold it. It just seemed the most accurate spelling.

    In the interests of accuracy: The old people make more of an Eeeaargh noise.
  • peteone
    peteone Posts: 152
    To be fair it is quite accurate. I'd kinda describe it as a MWAHHHHHHHHHHH. :)
    Cervelo R3
    Giant TCR SL
    Ibis Tranny
  • socrates
    socrates Posts: 453
    Remove freehub, clean and lubricate with baby oil. Job done.
  • I went with sewing machine mineral oil. God forbid anyone using a lubricant with a picture of a bike on it.

    Siiiiiilent and smoooooth.