One year one

chorlton chimp
chorlton chimp Posts: 112
edited October 2012 in Road beginners
This weekend marks the first anniversary of the purchase of my first road bike after years of lard arse, no exercise boozing, a Spesh Secteur sport that represents the best use of £600 I have ever made.

12 months on what's new? Where to start? I sit here a not exactly svelte 15st 10 but I rocked into Leisure Lakes Bury last October at 18st 7 so that's one for the positive column! The body reshaping is still definitely a work in progress - if only beer and curry weren't so damn tasty.

Personal milestones in no particular order - going clipless on christmas day (and hitting the deck twice by the close of boxing day). First 50 miler over the xmas break, first 100K in July, first (and so far only) 100 miler in August, first club run in July, first toe in the water re: The f***in' Pyrenees in September, 2 mass participation events and generally loving it. Also lycra, who knew?

The minus points - considerably lighter bank balance, I swear a crack habit must be cheaper and less addictive. The moment my partner said 'See, I TOLD you to buy a bike years ago'. I know she wears the trousers; god help me if she ever cottons on. The decision that in a couple of years I need to add something ti from Sabbath or Enigma to the stable - it's gonna cost!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and your two wheeled adventures one and all. Lastly to anybody out in Cheshire today, and there were a lot of you - WHAT A GLORIOUS DAY!


  • Stuuu
    Stuuu Posts: 46
    I wish you could achieve what you have done. I thought I was doing well until I read that! :)

    One year on and I've just about got up to 30 miles. It isn't wearing me out like it once was, but then I go out with my wife and she stops me burning out too early. The slower pace means I will need more than a morning to get beyond 30. Or I may have to start slipping out on my own.

    I know what you mean about lots of bikes out there in your neck of the woods. My brother was out on his bike around 8 am up that way and he mentioned there was a cycle club doing the rounds. And about 50 of them at a cafe having a cake-stop. Yum.
  • Sprool
    Sprool Posts: 1,022
    Brilliant! Inspirational! I'm just over a month in, nearly a stone lighter, lighter than I have been in the last 10 -12 yrs, fitter than I have been in ages - feel great for it and £1000 less well off - worth every penny.
    milestones for me will be first 50miler, first 100k, first sportive event next April. Maybe a London to paris ride in the summer. Have enjoyed so much discovering of the great countryside round our way after buying a road bike.
  • jay197
    jay197 Posts: 196

    The minus points - considerably lighter bank balance, I swear a crack habit must be cheaper and less addictive.

    LOL, don't worry it only gets more expensive............this time next year you will probably have 3 bikes :)
  • elderone
    elderone Posts: 1,410
    well done,posts like this give you the inspiration to go on and what can be achieved in a shortish amount of time.
    keep it going.
    Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori
  • lotus49
    lotus49 Posts: 763
    12 months on what's new? Where to start? I sit here a not exactly svelte 15st 10 but I rocked into Leisure Lakes Bury last October at 18st 7 so that's one for the positive column! The body reshaping is still definitely a work in progress - if only beer and curry weren't so damn tasty.

    Good job - that's impressive.

    A friend of mine has the somewhat bizarre (to my mind at least) hobby of indoor rowing. One thing he likes about it is that he burns so many calories that he can stuff himself silly and he is still very slim. Losing as much weight as you have shows you are doing something right so if you just keep pedalling, you can still pig out as well.

    Do cycle first and then drink the beer afterwards though. Many years ago, a friend of mine was found by a policeman unconscious in the middle of the road on his bike. At first they thought he had been knocked off but it quickly became apparent that he was just completely drunk and he was actually prosecuted for being drunk in charge of a carriage (or something like that, the exact term used escapes me right now). At least he didn't have a license to put any points on :D .