Heat management for biking, tips that work

Here are some key helpful points from my article: http://myworldfromabicycle.blogspot.com ... n-its.html
1. allow yourself some exposure to exercising in the heat (with common sense limitations) and allow time (see post for specifics) for adaptive response to occur (primarily plasma volume increases)
2. Hydrate properly and add electrolytes appropriately. Drinking large amounts of straight/standard water can make you very sick from electrolyte imbalances (Water intoxication is caused when sodium levels drop below 135 mmol/L when athletes consume large amounts of fluid that hasn't been treated with electrolytes).
3. keep your clothing wet (in particular your hair on your head (if bald, a dew rag can hold water), jersey and front panels of shorts. Water conducts (transfers) heat 25 times more than air; evaporation removes the heat that has been captured in the water. This is a really big deal for cooling. As an illustration: Tests done with canteens covered with water soaked fabric covering versus canteens with dry fabric covers produced a 42 Fahrenheit degree difference of interior water temperature (23.4 degrees Celsius difference). evaporative cooling effects on water containers. .
4. Cooling yourself by pre-wetting clothing and dumping water on your body during strenuous exercise helps slow dehydration and loss of electrolytes, because you will sweat a lesser amount.
5. Ice slurries can temporarily lower a person's core temperature and increase stay time in heat stress environment.
6. something, something, I forget what number six was.

http://myworldfromabicycle.blogspot.com ... n-its.html

Stay wet my friends,
David Henderson


  • Herbsman
    Herbsman Posts: 2,029
    Or ignore all that and just ride as normal. There's a 76% chance it'll be raining.
  • cyco2
    cyco2 Posts: 593
    I think 6 has got the word 'hypothermia' in the recommendation some were.

    If you want to be a strong rider you have to do strong things.
    However if you train like a cart horse you'll race like one.