London route help please

TheJohnClimber Posts: 154
edited May 2012 in Tour & expedition
For Help the Heros 5 of us from work are riding between our French Head Office and Brimingham Head Office.

All the planning is going fine and we are riding through London on a Sunday so which route should we take heading up from Dover and out of London to the North East?

Should we go across the Thames to the East, up through Central London, or skirt around London the long way around to the West?

Thanks in advance


  • culverwood
    culverwood Posts: 256
    When will you hit London, if it is early on a Sunday I would go straight through the middle. I have done it and traffic does not build up till 10 or so on a Sunday.

    The way up from Dover and on to Birmingham depend on whether you are OK cycling on main roads or looking for quieter routes. I have done the London Dover stretch on Sustran's route but it is long and windy and I suspect their route to Birmingham would be similar.
  • andymiller
    andymiller Posts: 2,856
    There are a couple of threads on routes from London to Dover. It is possible to cross downriver from Tower Bridge, but given that you need to head northwest I'd be tempted to aim skirt central London to the south.

    Have you thought about the Boulogne-Ramsgate ferry.