New chain is skipping

phreak Posts: 2,941
edited March 2012 in Workshop
I fitted a new chain on my commuter/turbo bike on Monday and whilst it was fine on the turbo that evening it's skipping in the low gear I always commute in (ie the most used one).

I've read suggestions that you can file the rear cog to help the chain catch better, or buy a replacement for just that one gear, and from a few threads on here that leaving it a week or so will see it bed in and stop skipping. It's only happening on that one gear so ideally I don't want to buy a whole new cassette.

I'm by no means an expert on bike maintenance though so thought I'd get the opinion of some of you good folks.


  • JamesB
    JamesB Posts: 1,184
    I've read suggestions that you can file the rear cog to help the chain catch better, or buy a replacement for just that one gear

    maybe if you can completely separate each cog; and then may have problems on less worn cogs too...

    Depends on the cassette you`re using but if you can get a new cassette for say £30 ish I`d advise buying entire new as whilst may sort itself out, also may not ++ on next chain you`ll defo need new cassette whilst if buy new now and a second chain by swopping chains may get a longer wear and better gear change to boot :)
  • phreak
    phreak Posts: 2,941
    Seen a new cassette on Wiggle for £23, which should be fine for turbo and commuting use, so might just get that and swap it over.