Springwatch '10

Cressers Posts: 1,329
edited June 2010 in The bottom bracket
Good though it is to see plenty of Kate Humble, Chris Packham is irritating me!

Bring back Bill Oddie!


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  • Cut to the webcams! The blue tits are pretty close to fledging. Strangely addictive to watch. http://www.bbc.co.uk/springwatch/webcams/
  • Cressers
    Cressers Posts: 1,329
    They have wildlife as well? I spent yesterdays' hour mentally undressing Kate...
  • ScaldedCat
    ScaldedCat Posts: 111
    I'm just watching last nights episode now. Great stuff.
  • snakehips
    snakehips Posts: 2,272
    Cressers wrote:
    Bring back Bill Oddie!

    Nooooooooooooo ! While Packham is irritating I can at least watch the prog with him in it. I quit watching earlier series because of Oddie.


    My Library
    'Follow Me' the wise man said, but he walked behind!
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    I saw Kate Humble in York station a month or so ago. She didn't look too cracking to be honest, but then who does after a long [I presume from London] train journey?

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  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    Was out last night so thank goodness for iplayer. Packham is much better than Oddie. Humble not that pretty, King is the best on the show.
  • Cressers
    Cressers Posts: 1,329
    There's something creepy about Simon King...
  • Heckler1974
    Heckler1974 Posts: 479
    Cressers wrote:
    There's something creepy about Simon King...

    Not least because he started his Wildlife TV career in a show called 'Man and Boy' :shock:
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    Tits like coconuts. That's a fact by the way not a opinion of Kate humble
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    Remove Packham and bring in Clarkson!

    'those are Great Tits....Kate...hurhurhur. Now watch how I ride over this fox, 12 times just to be sure!'
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    That annoying bloody Humble woman, ugh! I could hit her sometimes.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    edited June 2010
    A couple of years ago when springwatch was at Martin Mere I was riding along a shared cycle path and a couple of peds were taking up the whole path so I dang my bell vociferously and when I went past who should it be but former goodie Bill Oddie himself.

    Kate Humble used to be an actress, this is her best performance.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Kate humble is not as good looking as kate garraway.

    http://blogs.coventrytelegraph.net/pass ... te%20g.jpg
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,720
    not a fan of either to be honest.

    Kirsty Gallagher is still my celeb crush

    *NOT STALK, just to be clear*
  • Pac-man doesn't like Armstrong, btw. Irrelevant celebrity cross-over news.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    What does that mean? :?
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,720
    Pac-man doesn't like Armstrong, btw. Irrelevant celebrity cross-over news.

    fact of the day that :D
  • Heckler1974
    Heckler1974 Posts: 479
    Kate Humble looks dirty and that (though the complete opposite may actually be true) goes a long way.

    See also Mariella Frostrup and Martine McCutchin for further evidence.

  • fact of the day that :D

    I knew someone would like it (I used to know his girlfriend)!
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    edited June 2010
    Kirsty Gallacher is a dirty girl, but looks wholesome. She likes chocolate fingers, in a naughty way.
    She also had a bit of nookie with Tiger, allegedly.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • skyd0g
    skyd0g Posts: 2,540
    Will Kate's tits pop out by the end of the show?
    Cycling weakly
  • skyd0g wrote:
    Will Kate's tits pop out by the end of the show?

    ''All we need is a little sunshine'' were her words at the end of the programme. It sounds like she's up for it. But we warned - she's got nine of them!
  • snakehips
    snakehips Posts: 2,272
    That's enough you rude people.
    I'm just here to lament the fact that because of my bad back , I got up late this morning , I got to the webcam page at 8:06 and read that the last Blue Tit had gone by 7:25
    Now if that ain't the rat's ass !


    My Library
    'Follow Me' the wise man said, but he walked behind!
  • Heckler1974
    Heckler1974 Posts: 479
    snakehips wrote:
    That's enough you rude people.

    That's what Kate would say, but then she'd look over her shoulder, flick her hair and give you a coy smile and a long sleazy wink.

    It must be the weather, I think my sap is rising.
  • rob0070
    rob0070 Posts: 60
    Find Chris quite calm, its Kate that needs to come off the tablets.
    Where is my Duck tape ??????
  • skyd0g
    skyd0g Posts: 2,540
    Whaddy I say???

    Cycling weakly
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    snakehips wrote:
    That's enough you rude people.
    I'm just here to lament the fact that because of my bad back , I got up late this morning , I got to the webcam page at 8:06 and read that the last Blue Tit had gone by 7:25
    Now if that ain't the rat's ass !


    My Library

    SPOILER you moron.


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