Recovery for 3 - 100+ Mile days in saddle?

Squillinossett Posts: 1,678
Well its one month today I will be getting ready to head off to London to start my London to Paris ride with the BR group.

Training is going as well as it can taking my shoulder into consideration, but the only area I am still concerned about is my day to day recovery.

We are doing 3 consecutive days riding over 100 miles a day, I want some tips on my recovery technique for the evening to ensure im ready to go the next day and not in paid as soon as I wake up.

Any tips welcome guys!



  • nolf
    nolf Posts: 1,287
    For multiple day long rides, I do everything ott. Rest ott, eat ott, sleep ott (especially sleep).

    Ensure that you don't go too into the red on each days ride, and finish each ride with a very good stretch and cool down to relax your muscles (massages are excellent if available).

    Eat a heck of a lot, constantly.

    Make sure you eat loads of greens as well. You're going to be breaking into your bodies reserves in every way, so need to make sure you replenish all of the vitamins and minerals you use up (typically your 5 a day goes up to about 15 a day if you're doing that kind of exercise day after day).

    Sleep lots.

    Minimise off the bike activity, so don't go to the pub/shopping at the end of each day.

    Try doing 2x100 milers over a weekend, and testing some recovery strategies for saturay night. See what works for you.
    "I hold it true, what'er befall;
    I feel it, when I sorrow most;
    'Tis better to have loved and lost;
    Than never to have loved at all."

    Alfred Tennyson
  • fastercyclist
    fastercyclist Posts: 396
    I blew my legs up yesterday and drank whey protein on the hour since I got home till going to bed.

    Woke up with legs as fresh as a daisy; even though I was groaning in pain on the bike due to colossal leg ache earlier.
    The British Empire never died, it just moved to the Velodrome
  • shockedsoshocked
    shockedsoshocked Posts: 4,021
    Remember to eat plenty whilst on the bike too.
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • sheffsimon
    sheffsimon Posts: 1,282
    Well its one month today I will be getting ready to head off to London to start my London to Paris ride with the BR group.

    Training is going as well as it can taking my shoulder into consideration, but the only area I am still concerned about is my day to day recovery.

    We are doing 3 consecutive days riding over 100 miles a day, I want some tips on my recovery technique for the evening to ensure im ready to go the next day and not in paid as soon as I wake up.

    Any tips welcome guys!


    Sit down in boozer,rather than stand at the bar.
  • Squillinossett
    Squillinossett Posts: 1,678
    SheffSimon wrote:
    Well its one month today I will be getting ready to head off to London to start my London to Paris ride with the BR group.

    Training is going as well as it can taking my shoulder into consideration, but the only area I am still concerned about is my day to day recovery.

    We are doing 3 consecutive days riding over 100 miles a day, I want some tips on my recovery technique for the evening to ensure im ready to go the next day and not in paid as soon as I wake up.

    Any tips welcome guys!


    Sit down in boozer,rather than stand at the bar.

  • chrisw12
    chrisw12 Posts: 1,246
    SheffSimon wrote:
    Well its one month today I will be getting ready to head off to London to start my London to Paris ride with the BR group.

    Training is going as well as it can taking my shoulder into consideration, but the only area I am still concerned about is my day to day recovery.

    We are doing 3 consecutive days riding over 100 miles a day, I want some tips on my recovery technique for the evening to ensure im ready to go the next day and not in paid as soon as I wake up.

    Any tips welcome guys!


    Sit down in boozer,rather than stand at the bar.

    Yeah, make the first two pints soft drinks/rehydration then the next 6 or 7 alchol you deserve it. Always end with a pint of water though.

    If there's someone stronger in the group make sure they have more alchol than you.

    That way you'll spend the first few hours with your head in so much pain that you won't notice your legs/back/arms. then when the hang over goes round about lunch time you'll feel much better. :wink:
  • holmeboy
    holmeboy Posts: 674
    Cycled 32 miles yesterday and 60 miles today, just had two pints of Stella and i feel brill, sure i could cycle again tommorrow. In fact I've got to , to work. Tee-Hee :):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) ):):):) 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  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    WTF is up with smiley boy above? ^
  • fastercyclist
    fastercyclist Posts: 396
    Pokerface wrote:
    WTF is up with smiley boy above? ^

    I think the key line in his statement was "I just had two pints of stella"

    The British Empire never died, it just moved to the Velodrome
  • carrock
    carrock Posts: 1,103
    go for a gentle stroll at the end of each days riding to ease the lactic in your legs

    take 3 pairs of the best padded shorts you can afford

    get out of the saddle on hills to give you undercarriage a rest
  • mrc1
    mrc1 Posts: 852
    Not sure how practical it is but jumping in cold water baths or focussing a cold water shower on your legs within 15-20 mins of getting off the bike will help!

    I also have had good results from wearing a pair of compression tights under my jeans etc after my post ride shower.

    Le Domestique Tours - Bespoke cycling experiences with unrivalled supported riding, knowledge and expertise.

    Ciocc Extro - FCN 1
  • Garz
    Garz Posts: 1,155
    Also remove 'nana and two fruit from saddle before the ride!