My first long ride!

MarkDon Posts: 200
edited April 2010 in MTB general
Well, after buying the bike for christmas, i've been out a little bit, but thought since i had the day off, i'd make use of it.

My wrist has been pretty knackered this week as ive been doing some diy & it made an odd cracking noise, then hurt alot, but its getting better, so didnt want to d anything too rough.

Decided to, for my first proper ride out, cycle around Kielder Water.

26 miles.

What a tit, perhaps i should have went for something a bit shorter?

Anyways, it took me 4 hours, and i did have to get off and push at some points :oops: I'm just not as fit as i thought!

Bike coped well, though i had some gearchange issues, and the saddle was shockingly uncomfy.

Main problem was cramps, i got about 13miles, halfway-ish, and got some bad cramps in both my thighs, then again at 20 miles, but this time they were so much worse, i tried to get off the bike, but when my leg was over the saddle, both legs locked, and i just went down like a statue! I couldnt move for 5-10mins, tried walking it off, but didnt work, so lay down on the path & did some stretches :lol:

Overall, had a cracking day, i think going with someone else would be better, from a motivational point of view.

Oh, had two suicidal frogs jump out on my when i was doing 25mph downhill, cant understand how i didnt hit the buggers!

Think i'm going to be sore tomrrow!

Stuck the phone on timer, took what i thought to be a nice smiley photo, but this was 3miles from the finish, turns out i wasnt in such a smiley mood as i thought!


2009 Kona Blast Deluxe - W.I.P Started... ... t=12693279


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  • nickfrog
    nickfrog Posts: 610
    26 miles for a first long ride is good going, full marks mate.
    Did you wear padded shorts ?
  • Raymondavalon
    Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346
    nickfrog wrote:
    26 miles for a first long ride is good going, full marks mate.
    Did you wear padded shorts ?

    +1 potato on padded shorts, they make a huge difference
    Also, your rump will become accustomed to the saddle, I see the Blast has the WTB Speed V Sport saddle. WTB saddles are ace and my Kula came with the WTB Rocket Race V which has to be one of the most comfortable saddles I ever owned, in fact I bought one for my commuter MTB too.

    Keep up the good work, 26 miles in a day is good.. you'll soon get used to it all..
  • MarkDon
    MarkDon Posts: 200
    I've got some Endura Zyme shorts, which have some double seat thing, which i thought was padding, but doesnt do much.

    I've got the WTB Shadow Pro V saddle, but i think i may revert back to the speed as it was fractionally more comfy.

    2009 Kona Blast Deluxe - W.I.P Started... ... t=12693279
  • MarkDon
    MarkDon Posts: 200
    Well, its the day after, and suprisingly, i can walk!!

    Sat down and my ass is killing! Need to sort a new saddle or try some padded shorts!

    Legs are ok, did a few stretches before bed, done some when i got up too, not too bad.

    Its weigh day today (do it every sat since healthy living kicked in), i'm now under 12st! only just, 11st 12.5lb, but i was 13st 7lb at the beginning of jan, so i'm happy with that, just got to keep at the cycling & get some more miles under my belt.

    Ideally i want to get to the stage where i can do this ride without having to get off at the hills to push, and deffo dont want those cramps again!

    I might go back next weekend for another go 8)
    2009 Kona Blast Deluxe - W.I.P Started... ... t=12693279
  • -liam-
    -liam- Posts: 1,831
    Nice one.
    With regards the cramps, it can be caused by a lack of fluids. If i'm out for those sorts of miles then i'd take a bottle in the cage with gatorade in and also the hydration pack on my back containing water, oh and take some food.
  • wavey1490
    wavey1490 Posts: 39
    dont change your saddle yet, your body will get used to it and the miles, you just need to get out and ride fella ! You will definately benefit from getting a proper pair of lycra shorts that you can waer under your baggies, this will give you more support and comfort.

    As for the cramps, make sure you drink enough, before and during, dont wait until your thirsty as its too late your already dehydrated ! constantly sip and keep yourself topped up, also maybe try some energy drink suppliments, ie; sis or high 5

    Hope this helps
    Anorexic Racing Snake ;)
  • MarkDon
    MarkDon Posts: 200
    Cheers for the replies, any reccomendations for shorts?

    I had water in my bike bottle, and had 2 small bottles in my pack, all were empty by the time i finished, i do drink alot though.

    Took a chicken & egg salad with me i made the night before, stopped half way round and had that.

    Actually, thinking about it, i only got cramps after i'd eaten? or is this just a coincidence?

    As for energy drinks, are these the powder ones you mix with water, or ready mixed things? I dont get any sort of energy boosts or sugar / caffiene rush from anything i eat or drink, so i'm always dubious about energy drinks, could be worth a go i guess though?
    2009 Kona Blast Deluxe - W.I.P Started... ... t=12693279
  • stomith
    stomith Posts: 332
    EGG Salad is nice and healthy but you'll need carbs rather than protein and water (salad).

    Go for carbs when on the run such as bananas (perfect disposbale packaging), sweets (not chocolate), electrolytes (gatorade, juice + additive, lucozade sport types).

    The salts in the fluid additives should help with cramp. My wife suffers a little from cramp and I am considering employing a trick I used when walking in mountains, with a load on back. ie Brandy in a hip flask ;)

    BEFORE: Balanced diet with increased Carbs (Which is why people go for Pasta the night before or porridge in the morn')
    DURING: Carbs. (Bananas, Cereal bars with lots of sugar) + Fluids
    AFTER: Balanced diet with increased Protein.

    I am not a nutritionist though.....this is just my general approach.
  • stomith
    stomith Posts: 332
    Endura Humvee? They have the inner liner with a decent pad in them.

    Makes you feel like you're wearing a nappy or have sh%t yourself...but really....who cares. They work and are much more comfortable than non-padded. ... -12607.htm

    ENERGY DRINKS are expensive in my opinion. I buy 1 litre bottles of something called "Energy drink" from Cost-Cutter or some shop down in my town. (Original Name huh?)

    I noticed that Dioralyte does the same thing and comes in powder form. I haven't been brave enough to try it though :) There are biking specific power products out there now.
  • Raymondavalon
    Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346
    +1 on Endura shorts & liners, I have a few pairs of Humvees and Singletracks, which are the choice for when padding up as the 661 KS pads don't get on with the Humvee shorts' longer cut
  • plugp7
    plugp7 Posts: 298
    Cramps are usually attributed to lack of fluids. For 4 hours I'd be looking to drink at least 2 litres of water (or other) and drink before you get thirsty.
    There are plenty of treads on here for making your own "energy" drinks or just Google it.
    Cotic Soul 26 inch. Whyte T130
  • second what plugp7 said, at least 2 litres for 4 hours. Also dried nuts and fruit are good aswell for a quick energy boost. Salty nuts will also help with hydration.
  • When I've had time off the bike (as in years), and I've got back on it, it's been agony every time. Like really painful. Last time I spent months trying to ease myself into it, and quite honestly, it didn't work. In the end I just thought fuck it, went out everyday and sat through the pain. After a few days it starts to ease and quite quickly becomes a non-issue. A sore ass is normal if you're new to it.

    I also remember doing some ill prepared 'long rides'. One time I done 35 miles in the pissing rain around the derwent reservoir, and up around the moors. I thought the sun might come out. Turns out I was being a little optimistic. People stopped and offered me lift when they found me walking up hills in the middle of nowhere, soaked through to the skin. I declined of course, being male and everything. Christ, I was wishing I hadn't when the cramps started 5 minutes later...

    But it's all fun :lol:
  • I was out today and had the case of the old cramps! Not quite as bad as you however. I have had that in the past, i was crouched down, got cramp tried to straighten the leg and just fell flat on my face. Apparently it runs in the family though.

    One thing i did notice was the top end of my lower back was in agony, im not sure how to sort it out, i presume its my riding position or something. Oh and after hours on the brakes my forearms started to scream at me every time i braked.

    Go big or go home.
  • Nice :)
    I always do a mid ride stretch... reduces the chance of me getting cramp in my dodgy knees!

    Bike looks great btw!
  • MarkDon
    MarkDon Posts: 200
    Cheers guys, general consensus is...

    Drink more
    Stretch more
    Eat more
    Buy some padded shorts
    Man the f*ck up!

    The Endura Zyme shorts i have have the clickfast thing, do endura do padded shorts that fit inside these, or will i have to buy some new ones?

    I like the idea of nuts around the ride, good idea.

    Also going to go to the local cash & carry to buy in bulk some energy drinks.

    Going back for more next sat, so going to fill up on pasta friday eve, take plenty of fluids with me along with bananas, nuts & cereal bars.

    I'm determined to do better this time, not get off the bike as much up hills :oops:

    Cheers for all the advice guys!
    2009 Kona Blast Deluxe - W.I.P Started... ... t=12693279
  • nipper9
    nipper9 Posts: 120
    orite mate,

    try a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water about an hour before you ride
    fights the old lactic acid effect
    but cramp is usually down to a lack of fluids, so the lads are rite drink often not just wen ur thirsty
    cheers paul

    specialized rockhopper sl comp 2010
    specialized rockhopper comp 2003?
    trek 800 antelope 1993
    raliegh chopper mk2 1976
    raliegh tomahawk 1973
    raliegh budgie
  • MarkDon
    MarkDon Posts: 200
    Cool, cheers for the tip fella, i'll give it a shot next weekend.

    Ordering some new lycra padded shorts tonight, see what they are like under my endura's next weekend.
    2009 Kona Blast Deluxe - W.I.P Started... ... t=12693279
  • NormalD
    NormalD Posts: 145
    You look like a man who's ridden 23 miles without padded shorts.

    And yea, 500ml of liquid for each hour inthe saddle and more in hot weather.
    Normal Disk 2009

    Genesis Equilibrium Tiagra 2011

    FCN 10 (only cycle in once a week though)

    Alfa 156 SW
  • MarkDon
    MarkDon Posts: 200
    Indeed i do, i was actually thankful for that fence, spent a few mins leaning up against it with my legs off the ground.

    Note to self - drink more liquids!
    2009 Kona Blast Deluxe - W.I.P Started... ... t=12693279
  • Jassco
    Jassco Posts: 3
    were the bike tracks quite easy to navigate around? I went up Hexham-way the other day exploring but ended up going in a tiny circle (10miles) as I couldn't find any decent routes!

    If you're looking for someone to ride with I'll probs be up for it
  • cgarossi
    cgarossi Posts: 729
    Little and often is a good policy when it comes to liquids. Don't over bloat yourself by gulping down lots of fluids.

    Perhaps invest in a Camelbak and a tub of SIS sport fuel, mix it up the night before and put it in the fridge ready for when you go. Alternatively, full sugar orange squash with a pinch of salt mixed in will do for a makeshift isotonic drink.
  • MarkDon
    MarkDon Posts: 200
    if you go to any of kielders carparks you can join the trail there as it pretty much follows the waters edge all the way round. Nice ride, cracking views.

    I've got a camelbak from my hiking days, but my massive lunch wouldnt fit, but i now know not to take as much so that can be used next time. Thanks for the diy iso drink, will give it a go.
    2009 Kona Blast Deluxe - W.I.P Started... ... t=12693279
  • dan shard
    dan shard Posts: 722
    Did similar myself last week. Although I do ride trail centres quite a lot so am used to being in the saddle, I tried cycling to work last thursday. 26 miles along the transpenine and then a full day at work. I managed to do it in 1 hour 45 min, but had to stop a few times to adjust my brakes as they were squeeling like crazy under normal riding (Not braking)

    I really enjoyed it but it did knacker me out for the rest of the day. I took a litre of water with me and then had another when I got to work
  • llamafarmer
    llamafarmer Posts: 1,848
    My trail food of choice lately is buttered malt loaf - it's gooood! Nuun tablets in the hydra pack

    I find pasta the night before, eggs for brekky and a banana before setting off is a pretty good set-up for me. I reckon the hydration should start the night before too.
  • teb
    teb Posts: 7
    Nice one for getting out and smashing 26 miles.

    With regard to the cramps, I don't think they are necessarily hydration related. As it's the first ride of this distance, it's likely your legs cramping as a protection mechanism as they become fatigued, as you are not used to working them that hard.

    I can go about 3.5 hours on 500ml and not cramp, yet cramp big style after 50 mins of racing. Zym tablets did nothing for me, you've just got to train it out.
    2009 British Universities Gold Medal, MTB XC
    2009 Brownbacks Series Champion

    LUCC/ Stif Mountain Bikes
  • MarkDon
    MarkDon Posts: 200
    Round two tomorrow!

    I now have some padded shorts, some isotonic drinks, cereal bars & babanas, and i'm just preparing my big chicken pasta dish! Porridge in the morning too.

    Setting off at 530am, should get there for 7am, back for 12.30, hoping the sunday roast will be ready for me walking through the door!!

    Fingers crossed cramps are minimal & i dont have to get off as much.
    2009 Kona Blast Deluxe - W.I.P Started... ... t=12693279
  • leon69
    leon69 Posts: 53
    lookign at the photo i would have said the nose of your seet needs droping :wink: may help the num bum

    Just wondering did you stop to eat every hour or so on your ride ?
    last 4 hour ride i did (from swallwell/bladon to conset back to swallwell vier Stanly and sunnisdie about 30 mile him being from newcastle like me should know what am talking about :wink: )
    I had to eat every hour or so or there was just no fuel in the tank makes a big differnce i found
    If you dont bleed your not trying ...
  • MarkDon
    MarkDon Posts: 200
    I dont think i have any adjustment on the angle of the nose?

    I stopped half way round when i was hungry, but i think i know my mistake, i stopped and had a big egg & chicken salad, which filled me up, now i'm going little & often.
    2009 Kona Blast Deluxe - W.I.P Started... ... t=12693279
  • MarkDon
    MarkDon Posts: 200
    Have to say, tea was freeking lush!


    White wine
    Creme Fresh
    Philidelphia cheese
    Shitake Mushrooms

    120g Spinich pasta & some parmesan to top it off.

    Even got leftovers for lunch time when i get home tomorrow :P
    2009 Kona Blast Deluxe - W.I.P Started... ... t=12693279


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