Powder Coating worth it?

saddlerash Posts: 225
edited February 2010 in Road general
Been advised that there are some clued up folk on here that can help me with my question so here it is....

Have been ringing around and got a quote for my spare bike to be powder coated, its £25 and they'll do the bars and seat post if i want, is this a decent price? and is powder coating worth it? does it scratch easy?

thanks for reading...



  • i swear this has been answered...

    good price, no to bars and stem, powdercoating a bit overkill for a roadie.

    But it is cheap, i'd do it.
  • stickman
    stickman Posts: 791
    Do companies usually do bike parts on their own as well? I'd like to get a pair of wheel rims done.
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  • aoeu
    aoeu Posts: 34
    They probably would, however you'll be charged more if they have to change the paint for a small job, or if the colour isnt a common colour.
  • stickman
    stickman Posts: 791
    Thanks. I heard someone got refused a component, I can't remember if it was powder coating or chroming though.
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  • £25 sounds really good price for powder coating
    worksmanship will vary though, depends how well the frame is prepared prior to powder coat finish
    personally wouldnt use same colour powder coat for bars and seat post (bit of overkill)but if you like to its up to you (may be a good idea if your bars and seat post are pretty rough looking)
    powder coat will add weight to the frame so bear this in mind if you are very weight conscious
    care has to be taken prior to powder coat to mask off vunerable areas such as bottom brackets otherwise the extra thickness of the coating would make fitting very difficult if not impossible without removing some of the coating
    powder coats are very hard wearing, and produces a very pleasant finish - some santa cruz mtb use them and they are very very nice indeed
    so choose your colour carefully and post some photos of before and after and impress us all
  • cpeachey
    cpeachey Posts: 1,057
    Bit late spotting this but Armoutex in Hackney are well recommended.
    They don't do transfers though
  • stickman
    stickman Posts: 791
    I've got a frame and fork at the powder coaters at the moment, it'll be costing £60, and i'm going to get a chainguard done which will be £10.
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  • The coater I use charges £30-35 for a frame and forks including sand blasting them first. I've had two frames done now and am very pleased with the results. It is a hard finish and you can choose pretty much whatever colour you want. They are called Greenspeed, based in Macclesfield if that's anywhere near you.
  • stickman
    stickman Posts: 791
    Not by me. It could be worse, i've heard of people spending about £200, but maybe that includes lug lining etc. though.
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