Improving your lower back muscles?

Jayske Posts: 26
Tried my first race last night and my quads did not burn only my respiration and cripplin lower back pains.

My seat is a comfrotable height and the bars a comfortable reach.

The terrain was unlike any i have rode very very choppy grass and short intense climbs.

How can i strengthen my lower back please as i have trained for 13 months with very llittle back pain.

~On a seperate note it was intresting to see that when u only pay £500 for a bike how virtually every component was not up to this real xc job, instead of trail riding.

I.e bad brakes, bad derauilers, high rolling resistances, front sus not keepin planted etc


  • SimonM83
    SimonM83 Posts: 22
    Sounds like you did not train hard enough in those 13 months :wink: Try squats for your lower back.

    I've gotten to peak fiitness in 6 weeks after a failed 5 year engagement (so it weren't all bad).
  • Jayske
    Jayske Posts: 26
    Fair play mate, espcially for looking at it from that pont of view.

    I just signed up to a gym, so will get on the squats and start swimming to improve my respiration.

  • Why are you thinking swimming will improve your respiration over all the other training you've done??
    Be happy, communicate happiness.
  • Why are you thinking swimming will improve your respiration over all the other training you've done??
    Be happy, communicate happiness.
  • skids70
    skids70 Posts: 6
    I've been seeing an osteopath for LBP and she says it has a lot to do with core muscle strength and stability. Exercises to strengthen Lower Back muscles and stabilise the lower spine really help
  • god1406
    god1406 Posts: 554
    Have you considered rowing?

    If you do it properly with good posture it will work your core muscles for balance, and your back is used for stability and a bit of power at the end of the stroke. Also, if you don't get fit from training on an erg then Id probably give up! There's a lot of cross over between the two disciplines, apparently Hoy used to be a top rower before moving to track.

    I used to bike looaaddsss, but moving to Leicester for uni has reduced the amount of hills nearby, so rowing has taken its place :)

    Also, I'd probably blame your back pains while riding on bad posture, make sure you're not hunched over or something.