Ethics of selling a bike..?

Cantdosleepy Posts: 122
edited September 2008 in Commuting chat
So, last year we had a roommate. She left in December 2008, owing us £800 in rent. We've tried getting the money back from her several times, but to no avail. She's removed us from Facebook friends and blocked our phone numbers. She changed her name whilst she was living with us, in part to avoid some debts that were following her around. We won't see any money from her, and she's played the whole lot of us for suckers.

The only thing that she left at our house was her bike - a road bike that I reckon is worth a couple hundred pounds. It's been chained up outside for nine months now, ready to be returned if she ever gave us the money she owes.

Basically, I want to sell her bike in order to recoup a tiny portion of the money that she owes us. I guess this isn't a bike question per se, but what do you guys think about this as cyclists?

Any thoughts appreciated....


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  • _Brun_
    _Brun_ Posts: 1,740
    Selling a bike that's been chained up outside for nine months is morally wrong.

    Does that help?
  • Do it.

    That's not so much what I'm thinking as a cyclist, that would be more along the lines of 'what bike is it what size and how much?'

    But as a person, do it.
  • Legally it's not yours to sell, so you could get done for theft (I think I'm right on this, but stand to be corrected). Is it worth the potential hassle for what you'd get for it?
    Carlsberg don't make cycle clothing, but if they did it would probably still not be as good as Assos
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    She's a crook. I'd have no compunction about selling it.
  • I'm not too worried about the legal implications of selling the bike, SLOWDOWN, but thanks for raising that issue. We've got six strong witnesses who can say that this lass owes us four times the value of the bike, and she takes every pain to avoid us.

    The only hassle would be the hassle of gumtree-ing it and/or ebaying it.

    LOST-IN: My next step would probably be to stick a photo on this here site and see what you guys make of it (and perhaps even if there's someone here who wants it). That's why I want to be honest about where they bike's come from etc....
  • chaley
    chaley Posts: 100
    Sell it! I would have thought that as you have made all reasonable efforts to trace the owner and it is on your property then it's fair game, or claim it as part payment on the debt, I can't see you having too many problems.
    2009 langster

    Blasphemy is the only victimless crime
  • Fck her. She's not going to come back for it anyway is she. Tell her it got nicked if she does. Probably rusty and only worth £20 now though isn't it? Still, it'd pay for a roast dinner to ease the pain.
  • I know someone who found a decent mountain bike in their front garden. They put it in their back garden for safe keeping and left a note in their front garden in case the owner ever returned. They also notified the local police to see if it had been stolen. The police told them that if it wasn't claimed within a certain time they could "dispose" of it. They did, on E-Bay. I'd do the same making sure to get the name of the officer you speak to. You have made a reasonable effort to return it to it's owner. It is now abandoned.
    No-one wanted to eat Patagonia Toothfish so they renamed it Chilean Sea Bass and now it's in danger of over fishing!
  • Sell it. I am sure she thinks you are migs if you don't. Do you really want her to get her bike back and owe you money?
  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    Sell it.

    Do you know what it is or are you going to nick it to order?


    Bleeding Obvious filter off

    I'm joking about you being a bike thief - still sell it

    Bleeding Obvious filter on
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • She owes 800 quid
    The bike is worth about 200 quid
    IS she coming back for it? NO
    Flog it and at least get some money back. Personally I think you have been very restrained, I would have sold it, and if she asked where it was "What bike?"
    If you see the candle as flame, the meal is already cooked.
    Photography, Google Earth, Route 30
  • Thanks for the advice, guys.

    Bike details forthcoming after I get a digital camera, tomorrow or something...
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    Unless this is a cunning fencing scam of course...
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Thanks for the advice, guys.

    Bike details forthcoming after I get a digital camera, tomorrow or something...

    The problem is that any prospective buyer needs to be aware of the possibility of knowingly handling stolen goods (see the bit about abandonment below) and, from a civil point of view, not being able to acquire good title to the bike as a bona fide third party purchaser. If it's been abandoned, does that mean anyone can take it, or has it been abandoned to the Council rather than any member of the public because the bike is effectively attached to Council property?

    Sorry, I know I'm a boring fart. :oops: (The above doesn't necessarily reflect my personal views on the matter though.)
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • A - W
    A - W Posts: 253
    I'll give you 50p. Will you deliver? :lol:
    FCN 10
  • A - W wrote:
    I'll give you 50p. Will you deliver? :lol:

    Tempting, tempting....
  • linsen
    linsen Posts: 1,959
    If you find something and hand it in to the police it is rightfully yours after 6 months isn't it? So, you could do that. Or just sell it. She obviously doesn't want it does she?
    Emerging from under a big black cloud. All help welcome
  • Sell it in suthex and play safe?
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • Sell it to me! I'm in the market for a roadie!
  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262
    As a lawyer, I'd have to say

    strokes chin thoughtfully and gives wig a brief tug

    Sell the damn bike and keep the money. After that use the money to hire 2 big thugs to go and burn her house down...sorry getting a bit carried away. But seriously, just sell the bike.

    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6
  • Taita
    Taita Posts: 10
    Sell it you numpty.


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