Hello there everyone.. Fellow New Member here..

CraigA2008 Posts: 4
edited May 2008 in The Crudcatcher
Hello there folks,

Craig Adams here.. I'm from Leicestershire, UK..

I sadly cannot ride a bike, I tryed to when I was little "but" I never gained any confedence..

I've got a rare Syndrome you see - DiGeorge Syndrome - Special Needs, It's to do with the number of Cells & Genes Body Make Up.. I have got half a cell missing, I was diagnosed with DiGeorge Syndrome when I was 14 years old.. Since then me and my parents have been trawling the internet for answers, It mostly comes from America but is getting known about here in the UK.. I suffer with these problems: Bent Spine - Like an S shape, Low Confedence, Weak Immune System, Small Jaw, Small Hole In My Heart, plus other problems..

I'm 23 years old now, I don't go out much to make friends etc..

You can check out a certain website which has become close to my heart, It's called Max Appeal - They are based in Stourbridge, West Midlands, UK.

The Charity is set up by a Julie & Paul Wootton, there son Max had got DiGeorge Syndrome "but" sadly he died with the Syndrome. He wasn't that old either only a week or two old, It can be very serious DiGeorge Syndrome, Cleft Palete is one of the known problems - I haven't got that..

Check out Max Appeal's site click here: http://www.maxappeal.org.uk/

Thank you for listening

Kind Regards

