Inexpensive saddle for comfort and a non-sore 'weapon'

mookboy Posts: 39
edited December 2007 in MTB buying advice
I've just started out mountain biking with my 07 Carrera Fury, but the saddle is really uncomfortable. I could be wrong, but it seems very sharply tapered to me, and so even with some adjustments to it's position it still hurts the ol' undercrackers something rotten. Not just an after-pain, but a sharp, friction like discomfort whilst pedalling too. I'm 6ft, a bit overweight (but not dead fat or anything), and quite unfit.

Can anyone recommend a fairly inexpensive but comfortable saddle that might satisfy my needs? I know from other threads for other types of saddles, the general response is that it can be very much down to taste. But I'd really appreciate some recommendations on choices you've made for similar needs.


  • SDG Bel-Air, great saddle!! Love it!!
  • dunnnooo
    dunnnooo Posts: 900
    Fizi;k gobi.
    I'd give my right hand to be ambi-dextrous
  • BlackSpur
    BlackSpur Posts: 4,228
    The Charge Spoon is an absolute bargain at £20. Reviewers loved it:
    "Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling." ~James E. Starrs
  • aba2005
    aba2005 Posts: 487
    What saddle is on it at the moment?
    "You can plan for the life you're supposed to have, but when you try to make plans, God is known to laugh"
    Talib Kweli - Broken Glass [The Beautiful Struggle]
  • I would recommend the WTB Lazer V Comp - I have it on one of my bikes and I am pretty sure you can pick them up still OE for about 14 quid from wiggle..... :)
  • Just ordered myself a charge spoon, thanks to wiggle.
    have had lots of good recommendations on it.
  • All saddles will give some grief until you are broken in so to speak..... when ive not ridden for a decent time its very uncomfortable for the first few days regular use,then its all ok again...... or am i the only one
  • stumpyjon
    stumpyjon Posts: 3,983

    no you're not alone, if I stay off the bike for a month or more I do suffer for the first couple of rides :cry:
    It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

    I've bought a new bike....ouch - result
    Can I buy a new bike?...No - no result
  • ratty2k
    ratty2k Posts: 3,872
    Saddles are very personal things, and seeing as you've spent yer money this is a bit late- SDG Bell air. Was (is?) available via On-One for £15 +Post.....
    My Pics !

    Whadda ya mean I dont believe in god?
    I talk to him everyday....
  • I'm gonna have a look at the Spoon after all these replies. Thanks everyone! However I am also going to give my current ball-warmer a few more rides before I make up my mind. It didn't seem as uncomfortable today, but I still feel it's not as good as it could be.

    aba2005: it's just the standard Carrera Fury saddle at the moment. Looks fairly bogo standard to me.
  • dunker
    dunker Posts: 1,456
    you've got some padded shorts right?
  • No i haven't... I'm riding in some boxers and a pair of 3/4 length Endura combat shorts. Do padded shorts protect the ol' jewels or just the 'cushions'?
  • zero303
    zero303 Posts: 1,162
    Arrrrgh, padded shorts are a must for most of us!!! Especially if you ever want kids in the future :lol:
  • easyg
    easyg Posts: 266
    Simple - your 'tinta' (skin between your AXXXHXXX and your DXXX) hasn't developed that thick layer of leather that develops only from consistently long riding sessions. Once this is in place you could ride with a breeze block for a saddle

    Mine has just faded after not riding for 5 weeks so I too am in for a pretty 'vocal' day at Dalby in Jan!! especially as we ride hardtails at the mo!!!

    Charge looks good to me by the way.
    "If you think straight enough, you can see round corners"
  • Can't believe the Tinter gets a mention!

    You do just get used to it - Me and easy haven't ridden for ages, we'll be in for some pain when we get saddled up next!
  • Ive not been on a bike for 3 years or so........ i know what to expect :roll:

    O and if you do decide to get some padded shorts,just make sure there is no seam down the middle,will cut you in half like a razor blade.....
  • ratty2k
    ratty2k Posts: 3,872
    mookboy wrote:
    No i haven't... I'm riding in some boxers and a pair of 3/4 length Endura combat shorts. Do padded shorts protect the ol' jewels or just the 'cushions'?

    Ohh, no wonder!! there's a good range of things out there.......... currently I wear 3/4 bibs under everything- nice and warm!! Used as a base layer so as not to errrr, wear lycra on the outside! :lol: At the other end, I also have Endura padded boxers. Either way get some padded shorts! World of difference.
    My Pics !

    Whadda ya mean I dont believe in god?
    I talk to him everyday....
  • I use a Specialized BG Avatar Gel saddle. I find it fits my boney arse very nicely indeed, especially when teamed up with padded shorts. My posterior has survived many an all-dayer with that combo.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Not sure if some of the saddles that people are recommending have a cuttout
    in them but it does seem to take away some of the numbness, at least for me.
    Right now I'm using a sit bone type saddle without a cuttout and while it took a ride or two
    to get used to it, I'm sold now, and even bought a spare in case they quit making them.
    As a friend of mines father(who is a big cyclist) told his son when he complained
    about uncomfortable seats "suck it up kid, it's all about #ss time".

    dennis noward
  • Steve_b77
    Steve_b77 Posts: 1,680
    I've got a WTB Rocket V on my hardtail and it's plenty comfy :D
  • dunker
    dunker Posts: 1,456
    sdg bel air rl.
    wtb rocket v.
    wtb pure v.
    charge spoon.

    any of those should be good for you, after awile of course while your rear gets used to them, and get some padded shorts! :)

    also you can take the pressure off and let some blood flow back down there by just lifting your rear up a bit when free wheeling and every now and then pedal out of the saddle too that should help.
  • Simple - your 'tinta' (skin between your AXXXHXXX and your DXXX) hasn't developed that thick layer of leather that develops only from consistently long riding sessions. Once this is in place you could ride with a breeze block for a saddle

    I believe that the correct terminology for this part of the human male anatomy is the 'barse'

    Decent shorts are way above the saddle in priority as far as my own experiences have taught me. Try this first and if several weeks (even months) down the line things are no rosier, then get yourself a new saddle.