
RYOUNG78 Posts: 19
edited July 2007 in Workshop
What motivated you to start cycling. How do you keep yourself motivated?


  • cannonfodder
    cannonfodder Posts: 183
    we're not motivated in this section - we're just fiddling with our bikes and adding shiny bits.

    Might get more usful responses in "Training" :)
  • Ben_H
    Ben_H Posts: 10
    RYOUNG78 wrote:
    What motivated you to start cycling. How do you keep yourself motivated?

    Its a good question though - I started cycling as I had to give up my contact sports (rugby/football) through age/injury and needed something to keep me reasonably fit and trim.

    That was a few years ago. Now having reached better levels of cycle fitness, I do a bit of competition, which provides plenty of motivation in itself, i.e. to better yourself, get better results etc.

    Also I would say commuting without relying on public transport is wonderful ! what freedom !

    The key though is enjoyment, without which you wouldn't be doing it.
  • I was forced onto a bike for a job. I took a temporary job in a warehouse working shifts that was inaccessible by bus, especially at the times of shift working. After a month or 2 or riding 17 mile per day, I 'needed' to get out at a weekend.

    After that I used a bike as a travel source. I'm 39 and have no idea how to drive a car and don't see that changing in the near future.

    Right now my motivation is strong cos I've had a year off(working from home!) and I want to get stronger and make the jump to the 18mph club :) Hopefully do some TTs on my new carbon Chorus when it gets here. I actually like the pushing yourself to see how far you can go, a bit masochistic i spose. 8)
  • Greenbank
    Greenbank Posts: 731
    I grew up near Cambridge and so I'd ridden bikes for years, including some Youth Hosteling touring by bike with a friend and his dad (we were 14 or so and needed an adult with us).

    Years 16, 17, 18 were spent playing with motorbikes and not bicycles. Booze, ciggies and ladies.

    Had a hack bike at University but never really did much riding.

    Slowly, imperceptibly, got fatter and more slothlike until I decided that enough was enough. Did London to Cambridge last year and haven't looked back since.

    Lost 14kg in the last 8 months.
    Last weekend I did a 300km Audax on fixed.
    This month I'm on target for 1000km.
    If I had a baby elephant signature, I\'d use that.