monday stays alert with dextroamphetamine

gloomygrey, cold, will it ever end
back for a few days of lazing interspersed with wfh
a quick scan of bb suggests that p69's fridge is ok, 'loon is making good progress, stevo actually is a lefty (but we still wish him well with his broken bits), pinno is not telling us about strolling with beans, and a few of you have sisters to avoid
Evening, another day of pleasant heat, grand sprog sitting (well walking and taking to park), cooking tea for working parents.
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Morning Folks,
Headed back to Blighty today, looking forward to getting back tbh. May need to do a spot of sleeping on coach and plane.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
Grey, grey and more grey. Cool and grey. Not much wind and grey, Very John Major weather.
It's Tricky's birthday today. Say 'Happy birthday Tricky'.
Dear Mr Sungod.
Our jolly walk adventures in pictures are very exclusive events, unique to myself and Beans. These jolly walk adventures in pictures are only posted at our discretion after very considered consultation to avoid catnappers, fraudsters, blackmailers and being overwhelmed by hoards of adoring public. This process is critical to maintaining the jolly walk adventures, security and privacy. Any compromise presents a major threat to the status quo and the safety of Beans. The estate management welcomes public feedback and is very grateful for their contribution but we have a strict notification policy and we reserve the right to choose when to respond. We will do our utmost to reply to all enquiries but due to the sheer volume, please do not be offended by any delays or non responses. I am sure you appreciate the delicacy of balancing the integrity of Royal Beans and the publics continuing adoration.
Please refer to our bulletin board for any further updates.
The Management
Coffee status: gone.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Happy birthday tricky
work meh and swimming later
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Happy Birthday Tricky!
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my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny0
Morning all. Welcome back SG. HB Tricky. Currently busy actually working for work. Just wish it was a tad warmer here
Too many bikes according to Mrs O.0 -
Grey, drizzly and cold. What more could one wish for. Apparently I’ve got to drill some holes at some point today, could be the highlight the way things are looking.
Happy birthday tricky.
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Happy Tricky Birthday!! Hope your old man splashes some cash on you.
Grey and dull here. Got some home administration to do. Yawn. It'll probably result in a snooze. Coffee just done. Need another.
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
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Happy Tricksyday. First MOT done and passed sans advisories on the Skoda. Time ticks on.
Not sure what now to do on this grey manky day... poke around on t'interweb...?
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Afternoon folks,
Happy birthday Tricky.
Shirking from home today as a managers meeting on the means I'll have to be more of a TWaT than usual this week. Popped out at lunchtime and seem to have bought myself a bicycle 😁 it's red and Italian with Campag stuff on it, including a rather nice set of Delta brakes.
Hope the trip isn't too painful Stevo.
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Currently glamping but today involved a trip to A&E so not idea. Mrs HD seems to have developed a kidney infection, the up side being that I can drink all of the wine we brought:)
next time I need something with a real door and someone who carries the luggage.
Onwards and upwards
Advocate of disc brakes.0 -
In the taxi home now, all went pretty well ta. Just one armed my stuff onto trolleys and got the taxi driver to load his car up. Back to the grindstone tomorrow.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]2 -
I had Delta's. Terrible for braking unless you put a pair of decent pads on them which made them sort of okay but look great.
Pics please!
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Hope the return to work is less painful than the collarbone
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Yes, they do look good, but I’d heard the same. If I going to ride the thing and enjoy it I might put something else on. They are also the limiting factor for tyre clearance.
Hmmm, picture not working, will try another device…
Think that worked
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Very suitably retro. Croce d'aune? Regina freewheel?
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Think so, not quite switched on enough to be sure it’s all matching. Doubt it’s a Regina freewheel, need to get something more suited to hills anyway.
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In threaded form? There's not not much choice. You have the option of a different inner chain ring.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Yes, 6 speed screw on at present. Need to have more of a look at some point, there will be tinkering no doubt.
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Walking boots? 😉
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Might need them if I can’t sort the gearing
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I’ve only ever driven up a couple to go bouldering a good few years ago and there’s no way I could have ridden up in old school gears 42x 21 or 42 x 24 if your lucky.
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With the Campag pattern, 39 is possible on the front inner and you can get 27 or 28 at the rear.
If VN is feeling flush (he must be, he has a new job): @veronese68
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0