Route Advice Southampton Cerntal -> Solent Business Park (Whiteley)

pbkclements Posts: 23
edited October 2019 in Commuting general

Don't know if anyone can advise - I've been offered some work on the Solent Business Park (Whitley) - I'm looking to train to Southampton, then bike up to SBP on my fold up.

Signs did not look good for cycling last week when it took 20 mins to get out of the business park by car & I spotted a cyclist braving it all in his pollution mask; no dedicated cycle paths.

So my question is for anyone with tips for this route …

Pretty sad, but for the record, I worked on this same business park 29 years ago ! - not sure what's in worse nick now - me, or the road network for local cyclists. Soooo depressing to see all those people sat stationary in their cars 29 years on - I want to get out of all that cr..p !



  • N0bodyOfTheGoat
    N0bodyOfTheGoat Posts: 6,081
    Despite living in SO18, it's not a route I'm very familiar with at all, especially around traditional rush hours (as I'm off to work in ~5mins).

    Strava route builder in theory shows you the popular route between places, it suggests over Itchen Bridge and follow Portsmouth Rd to the end, over the Hamble Bridge and through Swanwick. I've absolutely no idea how hostile that will be at ~0800 heading east and ~1700 heading west, but I suspect not great in places.
    2020 Voodoo Marasa
    2017 Cube Attain GTC Pro Disc 2016
    2016 Voodoo Wazoo
  • Thanks for that, I’ll look at Strava route builder & check roads with street view.
  • wolfsbane2k
    wolfsbane2k Posts: 3,056
    Argh. Whiteley's an absolute nightmare to get to, especially if you want to head in from soton, as you've got no decent route to get across the M27 that I'm aware of. I've been looking to get to SBP from Portsmouth, and having similar issues.

    Does it have to be Soton central? Where abouts are you coming from? Could you get to Swanick Station instead, which is a heck of a lot closer, and then you're not subjected to riding along the horror show that is the A27.

    Cycle streets from Soton Central to SBP suggests:
    Intent on Cycling Commuting on a budget, but keep on breaking/crashing/finding nice stuff to buy.
    Bike 1 (Broken) - Bike 2(Borked) - Bike 3(broken spokes) - Bike 4( Needs Work) - Bike 5 (in bits) - Bike 6* ...
  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply - yep it seems to be not great. I think the best route for me would be to Netley and then up to SBP (11 miles); not insurmountable for me on my Brompton, but I've decided to book in a hotel just north of Botley next week & try & cycle in from there. Staying in Wickham & coming in from there also looks a good option - just don't think I can face a 2 hr + commute each way (train & then cycle).

    Wider point is that it does suck round there for cyclists from what I can see - they build places like SBP, but rely on everyone getting to work by car - not something I really want to do.

    Pete :(
  • N0bodyOfTheGoat
    N0bodyOfTheGoat Posts: 6,081
    From Botley, the A3051 (Botley Rd) that runs to the east of the River Hamble and that network of little lanes to the west of the Hamble that connect with Dodwell Lane are still a low priority on my to do list.

    I sometimes head out to Swanmore from Bitterne on the A334, but it gets busy around Botley in rush hour and even more so in Hedge End, so more often than not I'll head up Moorgreen Rd and then turn into Stapleford Lane just before Durley to head to Curdridge lane. It's a bit longer, but far more pleasant and less hostile.

    If you have the time and energy for pleasure rides, there's great largely traffic-free cycling to the east of the B2177 (and even just before around Durley), besides a few like the A32 which I rarely ride on for more than a minute.
    2020 Voodoo Marasa
    2017 Cube Attain GTC Pro Disc 2016
    2016 Voodoo Wazoo
  • Thanks for the tips - I'll get the maps out & street view to check out your suggestions :wink: . Felt a bit like I was planning a military campaign this week on this. :wink:
  • pdata
    pdata Posts: 6
    I ride from Southampton Central to Titchfield which is the other side of the Motorway from Whiteley. The most chilled route I’ve found goes over the Itchen Bridge then turn right and go along the estuary, through Netley then through the Royal Victoria Country Park. Turn left and follow the Dani King cycle path up Hamble Lane. Then you have to join the A27 but it’s mainly downhill, get to the lights at Lower Swanwick and turn left up Swanwick Lane to Whiteley. I don’t know this last road as it’s not on my route but I see plenty of cyclists going up that way.

    PM me if you want more details on that route.
  • Thanks for that, yep, I figure the Netley route and up to SBP is probably the most cycle friendly - just nice to be able to cycle - the distance is not the issue, it's the nature of the roads & how bad is the air riding on them.
  • wolfsbane2k
    wolfsbane2k Posts: 3,056
    How are you finding this, circa 4 months later?
    Intent on Cycling Commuting on a budget, but keep on breaking/crashing/finding nice stuff to buy.
    Bike 1 (Broken) - Bike 2(Borked) - Bike 3(broken spokes) - Bike 4( Needs Work) - Bike 5 (in bits) - Bike 6* ...
  • Hi,

    Thanks for asking, it's been going pretty good thanks - a doable route of 11 miles from Southampton Central -> Ichen Bridge ->Woolston -> Netley, then cut up Grange Rd, onto the A3035 for a couple of miles, then about 1 mile on A27 (horrid), cut up Swanick lane, bit of Botley Rd, down some off rd cycle paths (great), and onto Solent Business park) - about 11 miles or 22 miles a day.

    I haven't missed a day since started on the route & to be fair it's probably the highlight of my day - think will shortly come too an end as the ice & dark mean it's above my risk threshold - bloody eyes not so great & potholes en route make it feel a bit chancy.

    Anyway, nice feeling getting in to work each day, have a shower feel chilled & wear a kind of sanctimonious glow that I'm not sitting in the traffic & I've made it in via public transport and the bike. Air quality in the area though is pretty dam bad on & near the major roads en-route & I do seriously think that workplaces & the people in them need to change commuting patterns.

    Far be it from me to offer any advice but for anyone cycling this tie of year, I'd say get yourself & your bike really well illuminated & take extra care.

    All the best
