Thinning the stable - a dilemma - help?

deejay. Posts: 665
edited June 2019 in Your road bikes
Greetings enlightened ones!

Haven't been on for a while - good to be back. I have a dilemma with which I could use your help. I'm looking to purchase a new bike, and have to thin the stable first, as though we're currently safe in the N-1 state, another bike would move us squarely into the N state, where N is the number of bikes which would precipitate a sudden, involuntary and catastrophic change in domestic arrangements :shock:

I have two vintage Colnagos, both of which I have been fortunate to own from new:

C40HP, Campagnolo Record 10v (2004) in Landbouowkrediet Colnago team colours (Red/White; flash of Blue) - on Bullet Ultras - has a few chips and scratches - still rides beautifully.

Master Olympic in AD2 (pink) with Athena 11v (silver alloy) on 2004 Neutrons - all silver alloy finishing kit with a 3TTT quill stem and Record threaded headset.

Sorry about the lack of pictures - can't seem to get linking to work, and the pics are not up to scratch anyway - I'll remedy that when it stops raining!

So here's the dilemma. I have to get rid of three bikes (two are hacks, no problem) to get this through, so one of the Colnagos has to go. Why am I doing this? Where I live, the roads are awful, so I would like to have discs, clearance for bigger tyres (28mm please!) and EPS/Di2 - I am going to be out a few quid for sure, so a certain amount of falling on one's sword is required.

Note: this is not a clandestine advertisement - I'm not in a hurry to do this, and am struggling mightily, as I don't want to sell either of them. Nor am I posting this just to show off - this is a genuine dilemma burning a hole in my brain!

Thoughts/Comments/Suggestions all welcome!

Many thanks,

He's more machine now than man. Twisted and evil...


  • Alejandrosdog
    Alejandrosdog Posts: 1,975
    tricky tricky

    not far off being acceptable for an eroica stye event.

    Id be brutal and ditch them both. brownie points AND cash. Im down to just three bikes now and one of those is a brompton. so plenty of room for something i can bikepack on.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I'd keep the Olympic. It's a classic.
  • me-109
    me-109 Posts: 1,915
    Seconded. Keep the Master.
  • ex-pat scot
    ex-pat scot Posts: 939
    I'm in the throes of the same sort of challenge.
    I do need to get rid of stuff I am realistically never going to use.
    I also need to have a think about the level of redundancy I have in my kit.
    I have a 1994 1st gen Trek OCLV which has served me well these 25 years, with early racing highlights and a faint aftertaste of my glorious (!) early adulthood. Similarly a 1991 Pace mtb that is perfect in every respect, save that it never actually gets ridden.

    My more recent workhorses are less easy to justify from a heartstrings perspective, but still useful from a "my son will grow into it" or "its coming on a family camping holiday" or "emergency my main bike is kaput and I need to race to the station" use case.

    There are considerable brownie points to be gained, even if I will never be in credit.

    Sorry I can't resolve your conundrum. I would suggest keeping one.
    My general approach would be to own the absolute best classic you can, one of, for Sunday Best. High days and holy days use. A vintage heirloom. (that's my plan for my 2014 Look 695, and I'm wavering a little on whether the 1994 Trek should sit in the same category)
    Commute: Langster -Singlecross - Brompton S2-LX

    Road: 95 Trek 5500 -Look 695 Aerolight eTap - Boardman TTe eTap

    Offroad: Pace RC200 - Dawes Kickback 2 tandem - Tricross - Boardman CXR9.8 - Ridley x-fire
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,787
    Me-109 wrote:
    Seconded. Keep the Master.

    What this guy said.
  • deejay.
    deejay. Posts: 665
    Thanks everyone for your considered replies - now I know what I must do...keep the Master Olympic and let the C40 go, hard as that will be. I’ll probably put it up on the classified ads here first - watch this space!


    He's more machine now than man. Twisted and evil...
  • matt_n-2
    matt_n-2 Posts: 581
    Personally I’d keep both, but then I’m a Colnago fan!

    However I’d sell the Master Olympic, you can still buy a new Master should you wish to again in the future but you’ll struggle to buy another C40 as they’re getting rare now and even more so in the right size.
    Colnago Master Olympic
    Colnago CLX 3.0
    Colnago Dream
    Giant Trinity Advanced
    Italian steel winter hack
  • deejay.
    deejay. Posts: 665
    Matt_N wrote:
    Personally I’d keep both, but then I’m a Colnago fan!

    However I’d sell the Master Olympic, you can still buy a new Master should you wish to again in the future but you’ll struggle to buy another C40 as they’re getting rare now and even more so in the right size.

    I hear you - the C40 was always a little on the small side for me at 58cm (at the time, I didn’t appreciate how Colnago size their frames) as I really need a 60cm; the Master actually fits me a little better.

    Of course I’d rather keep both, but it’s just not realistic unfortunately... :cry:
    He's more machine now than man. Twisted and evil...
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,947
    I was hoping you were looking for volunteers, keep them both but hide the Master in my garage. I’ll love it as though it was my own.
    Unfortunately as this may be an impractical arrangement, if I were you I’d go with keeping the Master.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • deejay.
    deejay. Posts: 665
    Veronese68 wrote:
    I was hoping you were looking for volunteers, keep them both but hide the Master in my garage. I’ll love it as though it was my own.
    Unfortunately as this may be an impractical arrangement, if I were you I’d go with keeping the Master.

    I like your thinking, but you are right, from a practical perspective the idea does suffer from one or two fairly serious flaws... :wink:
    He's more machine now than man. Twisted and evil...
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,947
    Oh, well. Worth a try. :D
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • matt_n-2
    matt_n-2 Posts: 581
    If the Master fits better than you’re more likely to ride it I guess so keep that, also AD2 is a rare colour.

    Are you on FB? There is a really good ‘Colnago for sale’ group, you have to request to join but it’s got nearly 8000 members and will give you a good audience to sell the C40.
    Colnago Master Olympic
    Colnago CLX 3.0
    Colnago Dream
    Giant Trinity Advanced
    Italian steel winter hack
  • deejay.
    deejay. Posts: 665
    Matt_N wrote:
    If the Master fits better than you’re more likely to ride it I guess so keep that, also AD2 is a rare colour.

    Are you on FB? There is a really good ‘Colnago for sale’ group, you have to request to join but it’s got nearly 8000 members and will give you a good audience to sell the C40.

    Thanks a lot - I’ll take a look!
    He's more machine now than man. Twisted and evil...
  • term1te
    term1te Posts: 1,462
    Mount the Master on the wall in the living room, and call it art. That's what I did :-) even have a Daliesque mount to hold it. OK not in the living room, its on the basement wall, but N doesn't include artworks.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512