fell on hip - swolen bursa sac..

turbo1191 Posts: 501
Hi folks. Had a fall and went down quite heavy on my hip. It bruised quite badly and i had a very swollen bursa sac (so i'd been told by someone in the group). 10 days on and the pain has went away but the swelling is still there.. Is this common place? :?


  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    Maybe go to the GP rather than ask strangers on here ?
  • turbo1191
    turbo1191 Posts: 501
    Not quite that easy when your in Greece, but thanks for the helpful advice.
  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    If only they'd invented medicine or something over there eh ?
  • turbo1191
    turbo1191 Posts: 501
  • saladdays
    saladdays Posts: 92
    Ask Dr Jo! Post a message here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPDZb5YPn4U
  • hugo15
    hugo15 Posts: 1,101
    Sometimes the fluid doesn't get re-absorbed. Happened to me a few years ago when playing rugby and the doctor just used a syringe to draw the fluid off.
  • turbo1191
    turbo1191 Posts: 501
    Turns out i didn't manage to get all the remnants of the road out of the wound - it had became infected. Course of antibiotics were required. :(